by David Brenneman
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21
"What do you think about most throughout the day? What causes your heart to beat fast in wonder and anticipation? What do you think you couldn't live without? Whatever has your attention is your treasure, but only God is worthy of your heart. " - Dr. Charles Stanley notes for verse 21.
So many many people have no idea the import of these words of Jesus.
"I just like this..."
"I just like that..."
"It's not what you are thinking..."
"I can walk away at any time..."
Really? Hmm. Shut off whatever you're saying isn't for a day, a week or a month. Would you in all reality get separation anxiety? The easy money is on the bet that you will.
What is central in your life? People come into your house or apartment. Is the television central to the activities in there? Do you zone out to video games?
I watched a clip last night of a fictional scene where someone developed a device that shuts down all devices that use wifi within 30 meters of the person activating it. Those in the news conference where it was being debuted were outraged at first but the person describing it had their attention.
Satan's got way more than just a foothold in the lives of all people. Not just Christians. He got through the door and is living as a squatter in the house of the lives of billions.
Doing whatever is right in their own eyes as it was in the days of Noah is today's world in all its former glory.
Just as Jesus said it would be like.
And so it is.
Smart televisions, mini-projectors, projectors, tablets and smartphones are more prevalent than computers at getting into your heart than anything else.
Watch people. Observe people
See yourself in the mirror. What gets your heart moving?
Is whatever is important to Jesus important to you before anything else? Or does He have to sit out the activities of your life when you assert yourself and your desires first?
Really look at the model of the Lord’s Prayer. Really ask yourself what HAVE you really been worshipping in your life?
If you're adoring something or someone more than your Savior and have a problem.
Atypical of most people is the ability to plan out meals for the day. Some people reach farther to plan out a week. If you can do this much why do you not plan your Spiritual food? Billions are starving for true food of Jesus Christ every day are are so delirious they don't even recognize their own starvation. Spiritual malnutrition has been gripping people for decades if not centuries.
Going into this year wanting more I felt prompted to try reading two study Bibles at the same time each evening. The Spirit prompted me for more. So that was doubled. Years ago we gave up television. While there is one in the house it's never on. It's not a central point in the room that it's in.
While I do decompress with instructionals and rewatching old television shows clips on my phone or tablet, stopping each evening is a must to "go back to school". It takes about a half hour to read through the notes of 4 Godly men as well as reading the same passages in all those versions. Planned Spiritual eating.
Where your heart your treasure.
Millions of people commit hours to worldly desires and give God less than the leftover time from their life.
Most ignore the truth of the Spiritual forces of wickedness in the world we live. Living a life of delusions and intellectual ignorance thinking that will save them when they stand before Jesus.
It won't.
Whatever we do in our bodies that isn't going towards a life in Christ will be burned up. No exceptions, exclusions or excuses heard.
Scripture says in Colossians: "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality." Colossians 3:23-25.
Realize the truth...that Satan's after your heart. He's not going to stop trying to keep you from being true worshippers in Spirit and in truth. He is going to to get you to compromise. He is going to use every deception he is allowed to get a foothold in your heart.
Peter only began sinking in the waters when he took his eyes off Jesus. So will all of us.
All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.
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