Friday, January 17, 2025

Our Own Understanding, Our Downfall

Our Own Understanding, Our Downfall 
by David Brenneman 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body And refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:5-8.

"Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,"
Luke 24:45.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines glorify in many ways. Among them are the verb, verbs are known as action words, to describe it.

Glorify: to make glorious, by bestowing honor, praise or admiration. To cause to be or seem to be better than the actual condition. To give glory to (as in worship).

Many today do not realize that they indeed have so much excitement, so much they are thrilled to be participating in...that they are indeed glorifying things or people with a higher regard than the glory they give to Jesus. They've been taught to do this from an early age. To be desensitized to taking what belongs only to God and give it to others or other things. 

It doesn't take much to see it--but acknowledging it--that's the hardest part. 

Admittedly it's hard acknowledging that we've been lead astray. In this very instant in time people open their eyes in Hell to the realization that in no uncertain terms they got it wrong. That their cries, pleas, fall on deaf ears concerning wanting another chance. A chance even to warn people of what they are headed for whom they know. Clarity of thought is an absolute perspective in Hell as well as in Heaven. Sin is no longer in the way to delude or deceive the human mind. 

We are absolutely enticed to trust in our own thoughts, our own understanding. Adam and Eve did. Look at the results over the centuries.  

Have you ever prayed that passage in Luke? I have. It's as much a favorite passage as those in Proverbs shown before it to me.

It's a prayer that will, if you are honest with yourself, transform your life. You will begin to see things from a different perspective. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, will then truly become the Teacher of all things that Jesus promised for you. 

We have no measuring stick to show how far we've gone from the Standard of the Bible. 

We really do take the glory that belongs only to God and give it to persons, places and things. The most visible are sporting events. Admiration for achievements is blown out of proportion and people get put up on a pedestal. Billions of dollars are spent glorifying people while the mission of the Church often struggles to get by.  

This isn't to say there aren't benefits or admirable people in sports because there are.  

But the reality is shouldn't you know more about Jesus, about your Bible, about His plan and purpose for your life than you do these people, places and things? Shouldn't Jesus be what excites you rather than any of that? I grew up around people who could give you a summarized biography on various people in sports, historical events and places, yet couldn't tell you a few verses or stories from their Bible.  

Standing firm in your faith is going to mean letting go of the temptations to go along with the world.  

We get taught at an early age to be wise in our own eyes. We really do. The cross of Jesus Christ brought choice to our lives. The ability to truly worship our Savior and Lord. Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness is going to come with some sacrifices. It's going to cost. 

It's an awesome thing to have your mind opened by the Spirit of God to understand the Scriptures. Literally there's nothing in the world to compare it to.  

So much emphasis is on feelings and getting what you think you deserve in our world...sometimes by force even. This isn't the way of God in Christ.  

You have the opportunity to have the Author of the Bible explaining things to you. Why look at other people, places or things?  

Why take what belongs to God and give to someone else, something else?

The last portion of that passage from Proverbs...turn away from evil. How would you if you don't know what that evil is according to God?  

Jesus said to ask, seek, knock. Are you?   

Truly our sin nature gets the better of us. We need to keep the full armor of God on. There's no R&R in this Spiritual war to be had. People either enter eternity in Heaven or in Hell. Every second of every single day death finds people. Then eternity starts for them based solely on whether or not they said yes to the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.  

Our lives are to reflect the light of Jesus Christ. If we keep hiding that light how will people see it?

Take time today to really consider how your own understanding has gotten in your way of growing in Christ. How you might indeed be taking what belongs only to God and have been giving it to others or other things. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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