Wednesday, October 16, 2024

You Practice One or the Other

You Practice One or the Other 
by David Brenneman 

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9.

People practice either walking in the ways of life in Christ or people practice doing whatever is right in their own eyes. You are those people. 

When you get up, you may not be thinking about doing right or wrong but in the course of your day you will be faced with those decisions. 

We all face choice. Do we spend money or not. Do we go this place or that place. Do we splurge on ourselves or abstain. Do we obey the Word of God or go with the flow. 
Do we intentionally set aside time for Jesus or do we say maybe another day. Do we indulge into fantasy or sports rather than do what you know that the Spirit wants you to be doing. 

Choice is before you. You will practice one or the other. One way leads to a vibrant rich life in Christ, the other leads to always wanting more because it doesn't satisfy.  

There's much to be said at funerals...what would be said of you? Would your life show? Would there be those who would stand up and testify of your love for Jesus or would there be more talk of what all you did that did nothing for the kingdom of God?

I was reading in Joshua this morning and Joshua's and Caleb's legacy was not wrapped up in what they did for themselves. It's recorded for all time of what they did...they lived a life fully devoted to the Lord their God. 

We practice either deeds of righteousness or deeds of darkness. We either honor God or we aren't. We aren't going to be contributing to a crown of righteousness if we aren't living, practicing, a life in Christ as the Spirit directs each of us. 

The Spirit is to be your guide. Your Instructor. Your Teacher. Your moral compass. Your life in Christ is dependent upon your willingness and efforts to live a life in Christ Jesus for good.  

We are inundated with temptations to squander both our time and money and efforts. Subscriptions leach our finances. Sports and fantasy leach our time and money as well. Our time is among the greatest resource given to us and we aren't mindful of it. We can always devise ways to generate more money but there's nobody to go to for another package deal on another day to spend again. 

You have before you just what Moses said to the Israelites. Death and life. Choice. One way, the Godly way, leads to life. The other leads to destruction.  

Chasing a dream that God will never bless is what many people do in life n wonder why it doesn't happen. Jesus said people have not because they ask not. Said that what they do ask for they don't get because all they will do with it is spend it on their own pleasures. 

It's ok to chase a dream...just make sure it's really what God wants of you.  

I have several...that I cannot say what they are...that Jesus has told me that it isn't in His plans for me or humanity. It's sufficient for me to know that they would work. 

You are either going to follow God's will for you or you will follow your will for you. You will practice one or the other. 

Which will it be? A life in Christ that honors all He did for you to save you or a life apart from Jesus that will only be turned to ashes?

Anything we aquire apart from the will of God for you in Christ Jesus will turn to ashes. 

It's to be His will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  

Think about these things as you enter into your today.  


All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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