Tuesday, October 8, 2024

While Finished but Yet The Beginning

While Finished but Yet The Beginning 
by David Brenneman 

"Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit."
John 19:30.

It struck me this time reading through the time Jesus spent on the cross that there was time between Him knowing that everything was accomplished until this moment in time we just read.  

Jesus knew that He survived it, the cross that is. Survived all the heaping of all the sins of all mankind placed upon Him.  

My sins, your sins, everyone's who has ever lived or will live who haven't even been born yet. 

Jesus was ready to go onto the next thing which would be something exciting and extremely epic. He would descend to Paradise and be welcomed by a crowd of people in such a way unequaled in history up to this point. I would imagine the cries of joy washed out the cries of anguish made by those on the other side in torment. Those who indeed looked upon the Chosen One whom they had rejected.  

Kings and others who throughout the history of mankind having placed their faith and trust in the Lord now saw and met with Him face-to-face. King David, in that moment, saw all he'd written about standing right before Him in the person of Jesus Christ. All who had prophesied all saw whom it was they had written about.

All those who had turned from the Lord now saw truth revealed of the opportunity lost because of their selfish lives they chose instead of the will of God for them while they yet lived.

Jesus was triumphant in Paradise.  
Jesus spent days there just enjoying the people there. Answering questions, telling them what was coming next. No doubt songs of praise were spontaneously sung to Jesus. The thief who had placed his faith in Jesus standing with Jesus while the other looked on from that place of torment probably forever regretting is final moments. 

Then it was time to go. Jesus gathered up everyone who was His and they left, probably to the cries of countless multitudes begging Him not to leave them behind. 

Fast forward to right now. 

A day is coming, a date fixed by the Father’s own authority, when Jesus will return for His Bride, the Church. 

It could be today. 
It could be tomorrow.
It could be months or a few years from now. 

People in that day whom are yet still here will be crying out for Jesus to come back and take them with Him.

People who never took the truth of Him returning seriously. 

People who will fully understand that what had just happened was indeed Jesus coming for the Church. 

People who will be facing the darkest days never yet seen by humanity in the form of the judgments of God that would be coming upon the Earth.

While here people will cry out for Him to come back, in Heaven the reunion of the ages will be taking place. Those who had passed on reunited with those who have just now left the Earth to forever be with Jesus. 

My Dear Reader, which crowd will you be in? The one crying out for Jesus to come back or the one who will be rejoicing because you're with Him?

In your present time you have to decide whether the truth of God in Christ is really true or is a lie.

Nobody in human history besides Jesus has ever fulfilled every single prophecy written in the Bible.  

You have to decide whether Jesus is real or a fraud.  

All the evidence, both in Biblical records and worldly records point to the facts of Jesus living and dying on the cross. Over 500 people saw Him 3 days later. Across the globe He visited other people's and nations. The American Indians tell stories that can only be about Jesus.  

It is Finished! says that there's nothing more you need to do in order to be saved.  

It is Finished! says that Jesus's sacrifice created a way where there was no way for you and I to be made right before a Holy God. 

It is Finished! Means that the god of this world is done for.  

Regardless of how fiction writers reveal it...time has limits.  

Time was created by God and it has an end point. Should Jesus return today, 1,007 years remains. It's right there in the same Bible that spoke to the truth of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Where are you right now?

Is Jesus Christ the forgiver of your sins and the leader of your life?

Have you taken the steps to have Him be your Savior and Lord?

The gift is free. But the choice to receive it is yours to make. 

The world would have everyone believe that Jesus was a man only who did nothing.  

Jesus said it is Finished because it really was Finished.  

We can keep thinking that there must be something more to it than that. But there isn't.

Children receive the free gift of salvation easier than adults because adults overthink it. 

We keep thinking there must be a catch, has to be something more.

Take a good look at those believing children. None of them, ever, has had a regret in trusting in Jesus to save them. 

How will you look at today now?

Are you sure that you are saved?

That choice for you is more important than anything else you will ever face in your life. 

It is Finished! Means that what the Bible says is coming IS coming. It's just the beginning of the end of sin and it's curse. The beginning of the end of history as eternity is next for everyone...where you spend it is on you.

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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