Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Haste makes Waste

Haste makes Waste
by David Brenneman 

A while ago now there was a sermon series that had an element in it concerning how we spend our time.  

Some don't have an understanding that it is as precious as whatever we get in our paycheck or other income. 

We can easily run out of time, of money, often at the same time. 

Our days are numbered. Really they are. God only grants us so many times around the sun. So many opportunities to live life. 

Some rush through it thinking all sorts of things. Thinking that it's passing them by. Some think that they don't have enough of it. Some think they have too much of it.  

What value do you put on your time?

Jesus should have a very significant say in how you spend your today for you. 

If indeed He is your Lord and Savior then does He get the honor due Him? Or don't you go that far in your thoughts concerning Him?

Have you made, relegated, Jesus to just someone else in your life?

Jesus should have first place in the lives of Believers. 

The Bible says that we are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. An then to love your neighbor as yourself.  

Do you take this seriously or are you being so hasty with your life, the time you've been given, that you're wasting it?

In the book of Acts, at the beginning of the Church, there were people with a significantly different view on life in Christ than the Church shows today. They took it to heart to love their neighbor as themselves. Not caring about themselves more than the needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Selling off things to help others. Offering their time for others.  

Are there things in your life that you are truly wasting time and money on? Subscriptions are oh so commonplace today and are leaching the finances of people the world over. Convincing people that they HAVE to have these $5-$10 drinks to truly live life to the full.  

Years ago a song was out that had a lyric describing our world then and now. 

"I'm in a hurry to get things done, oh I rush and rush until life's non fun. All I really got to do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why. Can't be late.".

Haste does make waste.  

Being in a hurry for even the plans for today that we have can come back to bite us.  

We can set our minds on living in a certain place, a certain city. Ideas are great, but before you invest in time, energy and effort, did you ask Jesus first? Are you going to be obeying Christ by pursuing this or will He allow you to have a purse full of holes inside? A purse full of holes...modern day description of a money pit. Time and time again rebuilding what God says He's not blessing.  

Are you pursuing things that do not have the blessing of God on them?

Haste makes waste. So does being stubborn about pursuing things that God refuses to bless.  

The people whom the Bible says are fools in saying there is no God...waste every single day of their lives pursuing things and status that are doomed to failure. 

What are you doing to do your best to live your life? Are you looking for self-approval or to hear Jesus say "Well done!"? 

Getting in a hurry in life, with no regard for what Jesus wants you to be doing in it, is going to end in waste. 

You who have been blessed with the means...do you pray about how you can help others or are you afraid of letting go of your blessings from God? Look again at the early Church's behavior. Look at what they did for each other. They shared the blessings of God to bring freedom to their brothers and sisters in Christ...so that they too could be in a position to do the same for someone else. 

Hoarding your blessings will invite that purse to have holes in it. 

Hoarding your time, spending it only on yourself, will in the end not be fulfilling.  

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and spirit. 

Love your neighbor as yourself. 

Understand what the will of God for you is. Your satisfaction isn't really it. Your personal happiness isn't really it. Your sanctification is it.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6.

Make sure that Jesus is the forgiver of your sins and the leader of your life....then live it out loud. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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