Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Days Are Coming

The Days Are Coming 
by David Brenneman 

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

Are you really ready to meet Jesus? 

The truest question is will He be your Savior or your Judge?

The days certainly are coming when the judgments of God as written in the Bible will take place.  

What many people fail to notice is how much of what the Bible has said has indeed come true. 

Jerusalem is indeed a heavy stone that the world fights over.  

The United Nations consistently votes against the rights of the tiny nation of Israel. They don't want them to defend themselves, they mostly all want them to go away by way of annihilation. 

It's no surprise to those who know their Bible. Satan's been wanting to eradicate God's chosen people since they first were chosen of God. 

The days Jesus spoke of concerning how this world will be before He comes for His Bride, the Church, are among us right now. The nation of Israel is quickly becoming, and staying, the focal point of the world.  

Nations are trying to come together to figure out how to disarm and remove Israel's place in the world. 

Read your Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ will defend Israel Himself at the appointed time.  

Read the New Testament of how people in this world will be with regards to how they treat each other. 

Look at the way this world is making it law everywhere to make good evil and evil as good. 

Look at how those who embrace the truth of God are persecuted. 

Even in the United States if a Christian stands up for their beliefs the government tries to silence them rather than defend them as they should, considering this is supposed to be a Christian Nation. 

In the workplace people who are Christians are silenced by management who are also supposed to be Christians by saying its a whole new world and you just have to accept it and adapt to it.  

People are celebrated for mocking God. People are protested against for trying to protect life at conception. 

The days indeed are evil...and it's not just in-your-face evil.   

Evil has countless forms. Evil disguises itself as good and then is forced upon society.   

Evil is promoted through everything from advertising to news broadcasts to television shows and sporting events.  

Franklin Graham, when his Dad was alive, Billy Graham. When he was alive, Dr. Charles Stanley. Other well known Godly men encourage people to pray for Israel. They encourage Believer's to set their minds on the things of God.  

There IS an hour coming when the dead in Christ will rise. First will be those who have passed on before. Then those who are alive in Christ will leave this world to join them in the air to forever be with Jesus. This too is in the Bible.  

Are you really ready to meet Jesus? 

The truest question is will He be your Savior or your Judge?

You are the one who chooses Heaven or Hell. The cross of Jesus Christ brought choice to the world. 

The days, months and years ahead are not going to get better. The climate isn't changing because of people with respect to what governments say it is. The world is being prepared for the rest of the events of the Bible. The final judgments of God. 

Wars and rumors of wars. Jesus said these would take place. Hear of more of these lately?

Earthquakes and famines in various places. Flooding even. Notice anything in the news?

The significant rise in antisemitism. 

Evil parading around and making a mockery of what God intended. 

Days are indeed coming that people yet still say are impossible.  

Guess what. Most everyone thought a global shutdown due to a pandemic was impossible too.

Yet here we are living in that aftermath. 

Nations rage against the Holy God of all Creation.  

Me? I listen every single day for a trumpet to sound and my Savior to tell me it's time to come home.  

Jesus made a promise and He will keep it. He's made a place for His Bride the Church and will come to take her to it. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus so His Church has no place in the Great Tribulation to come upon the Earth. We have stepped out of death into life in Christ. 

Are you listening too?
There are no do overs no second chances once Jesus returns. While you indeed might find salvation in Christ during the coming Great Tribulation, life indeed will be Hell on Earth as the judgments of God are poured out upon it.

Salvation in Christ Jesus is free. 
It is still a limited time offer. 
There will be a day when the Father said it's now.  

Could that be today? Maybe. 
Could be tomorrow too.

Jesus said it will be at an hour that you do not expect. Think long and hard about that. 

Children and babies who don't know right from wrong and adults who are the same as well as all Believer's will leave before those judgments start.  

I am so ready for the shout that will take us out. 

Jesus said to be ready...are you?

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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