Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Are You in the Fight?

Are You in the Fight?
by David Brenneman 

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete." 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

Are you one who goes with the flow as they used to say? Do you take time to consider your ways, your words, the work of your life?

Do you ponder the deeper things of God? Do they even matter to you above the offerings of the world?

Something or someone will get your attention. Something or someone will try to sway your mindset. That's how the god of this world works. The Deceiver, Satan, is his name. The liar and the father of lies. He has a vested interest in messing with your life. Don't think for a moment that you're not on the radar of the spiritual forces of wickedness in the world.  

If you're saved, his efforts are going to be to twist and distort the Word of God and the truths of God's Word. Expect it. Every single day, every single Believer, is subject to this. 

If you are not yet saved in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and Jesus isn't your personal Lord and Savior, his work is to keep you in the dark. Keep you from learning the truth of the Light of Jesus Christ made available to everyone. 

There's a war going on...and it's right where you are. It's as close as your next breath. 

People are discouraged by what they see in the mirror, sometimes what they see in others or in the world around them.  

Jesus is everywhere. Satan tries to be wherever he can be. Satan isn't God. He does not have the attributes of God. He isn't omnipresent, isn't omniscient.  

But he does have his own messengers known to the world as demons. He sends them out. In Heavenly terms Angels are messengers of God. Satan mimics God so he considers his followers his own angels.  

This war over souls is ever escalating. The temptations in this world are crafted, designed, to get people from considering the ways and truths about God, about His Son Jesus Christ. 

The Bible says that in Christ you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.  

You and I get played by the world. 
We really do. Keep piling up the situations in our lives in order to keep our minds and hearts off of the truths of God. Consume our lives with supposed good things and we won't have time for learning more about Jesus. We won't have time to grow in Christ. More importantly we won't be in a position to help set others free from the life of sin they've been in. 

Christians the world over are susceptible to all the same sins as those who aren't saved yet.  

Read of how hard the temptations were on the Apostles. Even despairing of their lives at times. 

We read of the truths of this world in the Bible but do you really believe them?  

Twisted and distorted thinking has come into the Church from within the Church. This too was warned would happen.  

Read that passage again and as the Apostles have said...consider your ways!  

Do you wear symbols of idolatry? That hasn't gone away over the centuries. Idolatry is alive and well in this century. Do you care that your choices in even your wardrobe might cause someone to stumble and sin? Do you care enough about others to watch your words? Do you care enough to be considerate of the needs of others above yourself? Are you so used to some sins that you aren't even ashamed of them?  

Ambassadors are held in high regard. Certain expectations are there for them when they travel abroad. We are Ambassadors of Jesus Christ.  

Jesus is returning for His Bride, the Church of God. He's not going to have His Bride go through the horrible events, the judgments, that are going to come upon this world. The 7 year Great Tribulation isn't about the Church it's about the final week of Daniel's prophecy. It's about Israel and the world. Jesus is absolutely not going to have His Bride beaten, go through horrific events, right before the Marriage!

We are to be ready to meet Jesus. 
We are to be testifying of how He's made a difference in our lives. To show people the way to be saved themselves. To set our minds on the things that are above, of God. 

Are you in? Are you in the fight to be the light of Jesus Christ in your world? Are you really all in? Or do you schedule time in your life for Jesus? Do you try to figure out a few minutes here or there for your Savior? How ludicrous that sounds!

Do you take the joy, the thrill, the excitement that belongs to God and give it to other things, other people?

As the Spirit says...consider your ways!

We don't know the day nor the hour of Jesus's return. 

However, He made it ABUNDANTLY clear...to be ready for you do not know the hour of His arrival. 

You aren't going to have time to get saved at the last second when you don't know when that will be. 

You aren't going to have time to rid your life of sins and sinful acts when you don't know when He will appear. 

You have no promise to make it through today. Today you might find that you're stepping into eternity.  

Get into the fight.  

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation. 

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