Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wherever You Are, Wherever You Go

Wherever You Are, Wherever You Go 
by David Brenneman 

"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it." Proverbs 3:27.

"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin." James 4:17.

"Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe." 1 Timothy 4:12.

Have heard this said a long time ago. Your life may be the only Jesus that people may ever see. 

When you're out and about during your day and it's nice out. Got the windows down, music turned up a little, feeling good. Someone pulls up next to you at the light. Would they know from what they hear that you are a child of God?

When you decide to go to the movies or speak to others of movies you've seen or are anxious to see...would they get the impression that what interests you God approves of?

Does what matters to Jesus matter to you? Does your speech, love, and conduct show a light that shines from the salvation that you have in Christ?

We had an impromptu memorial for a coworker who recently passed away. The family has no doubt that Steve was saved. He's safe in the arms of Jesus. Steve's Wife and a sister were there to hear of our reflections of Steve's work relationships.  

I typically don't like talking out deep feelings but I knew that I had to. Steve's probably the best example of living out Christ in the workplace that I have ever seen. He was humble, respectful, an encouragement to those he interacted with. Only once did I ever hear him convey a sense of frustrating anger. He was patient with all. Everyone he seemed to meet was not a stranger but rather a friend he hadn't met yet. He was more interested in you succeeding than himself.  

In my first winter in my new hometown he caught me at Lowes buying packs of firewood. He wouldn't have it. For most of a week he loaded up wood n brought it to work for me to take home. 

Are you fully aware of the light of Christ within you n how it's seen by the world?

Do you let your own self interests hide that light?  

Are your desires aligned with the Spirit of God's work in your life?

When you give an account of your life before Jesus...and your life is passed through the fire of truth...what will remain?  

I used to have some pretty good hobbies and interests. At least I thought they were at the time. God showed me that these weren't helpful in my walk with Jesus so I no longer pursue them. The temptation remains but I avoid them.  

Those things honestly brought out some of the worst traits of humanity out of me. I wasn't pointing people to Jesus because of any of them. I really was seeking something to make me more than I was among the men and women in my life. 

King Solomon wrote vanity of vanities all is vanity. There is nothing new under the sun.  

We can look at any given set of headlines and affirm the word of God in saying that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We really don't have far to look to know that we live in a sin cursed world.  

What are we doing about it?  

The work of the Spirit of God in each of us in Christ is to transform our lives. A transformation requires letting go of some things and situations and taking up other things and being in better situations. 

I honestly am ashamed of what some of the things that I used to participate in did to myself and others. While the world was and is ok with them these things were not showing Christ to anyone.   

Paul once said that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21. Note Galatians 2:20 that we have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer we who live, but Christ lives in us. 

The desires of your heart...are they what Christ desires?  

Would those things that you allow to excite you...would these things and or situations you put yourself in...would Jesus react the same?

Steve's obituary mentioned that he instilled the love of Christ in his children and his grandchildren.  

Would people describe you as one who loved Jesus? Would they know without a doubt that you went to be with Jesus after your passing?

Truth is we ARE the only Jesus that most people will ever see. 

If we really do trust in the Lord with all our hearts and are not leaning on our own understanding, and all our ways are acknowledging Him...He will make our paths straight. Those paths will show a life lived in such a way that people saw our good works and glorified our Father in Heaven.
Does your speech reflect Christ?
Do the activities you engage in reflect that Christ is with you?

No you're never going to get it right all the time, but striving to please Him in all aspects of life are what is supposed to be our goal. 

If what we do "just for fun" isn't reflecting Jesus...why do it?

If what we do to "fit in" isn't reflecting Jesus...why desire it?

I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than to stand with the world and be judged by God.  

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. 

Get serious with that face you see in the mirror. The works that we do for Christ will go into that crown of righteousness that we will give back to Jesus one day. What will yours look like?

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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