Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Promise, the Saving Grace

The Promise, the Saving Grace 
by David Brenneman 

In light of recent funerals I have been reminded of the tribute that Mark Lowry had for Anthony Burger in 2006. In this, he played a song sung by the Martin's called "The Promise".  

"I never said that I would give you silver or gold
Or that you would never feel the fire or shiver in the cold
But I did say you'd never walk through this world alone
And I did say, don't make this world your home

I never said that fear wouldn't find you in the night
Or that loneliness was something you'd never have to fight
But I did say I'd be right there by your side
And I did say I'll always help you fight

'Cause you know I made a promise that I intend to keep
My grace will be sufficient in every time of need
My love will be the anchor that you can hold onto
This is the promise, this is the promise I made to you

I never said that friends would never turn their backs on you
Or that the world around you wouldn't see you as a fool
But I did say like me, you'll surely be despised
And I did say my ways confound the wise

I didn't say you'd never taste the bitter kiss of death
Or have to walk through chilly Jordan to enter into rest
But I did say I'd be waiting right on the other side (yeah, yeah)
And I did say I'll dry every tear you cry

'Cause you know I made a promise that I've prepared a place
And some day sooner than you think you'll see me face to face
And you'll sing with the angels and a countless multitude
This is the promise, this is the promise I've made to you

So just keep on walkin', don't turn to the left or right
And in the midst of darkness, let this be your light
That hell can't separate us and you're gonna make it through
This is the promise, this is the promise I made to you, oh
This is the promise, this is the promise I made to you" 

My personal journey in dealing with loss isn't much different than most. I am, as some people have taken to called it, finding a new normal. 

I know not why God says someone's days on Earth are up.   
I know not why some are born under the circumstances that they are.  

I only know what my Jesus says in His Word.  

"In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?" Job 12:10.

It's not helping matters much when sorrow is upon sorrow as well. When your life's dreams aren't what you had hoped for. When life's circumstances aren't what you expected. 

We are never promised to be granted a full understanding of what goes on in the course of our lives.   

In most, if not all, cases we wouldn't move if we truly knew what was coming. 

Personally I struggle with having dreams of accomplishing things in my life. Many are way way beyond my financial ability. Many are beyond the time I have each day let alone each week of the year.  

I am not promised to have dreams fulfilled. I am promised that in any and every circumstance my Savior is already there. 

My capability to understand does not and will not change that truth. 

Even Satan cannot be in my tomorrow before my tomorrow arrives. He has to get permission to even be involved in my today. Same as it is with every single Believer.  

It's interesting that it appears to be missed so often that all that afflicted Job was permitted by Jesus yet wholly carried out by Satan and his minions. Much of it was to give the appearance that it came directly from God. Job's thorns in the flesh that afflicted him so came from what Satan did by permission. 

Job suffered greatly...yet in all of this...Job and potentially his 3 friends and family who observed it all...saw God cause it all to turn for Job's good. We read that in the New Testament. God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Job grew in his faith because of the failed attempts by Satan. 

You too might be going through some stuff. Stuff that you may not have ever shared with anyone. Trust me, I get it. I fully understand that and where it comes from. I have things that are only between my Savior and myself.  

You are not alone. 

In all the emotional pain that you are going through, you are not alone. In all that you are discouraged by and depressed about you are not alone. I am not alone. Say that to yourself. As many times as you need to. 

We are in Jesus's hands and He is in His Father's hands. Job was only permitted to go through what he was in order for the good that Jesus prepared for him to be achieved.

What we are going through, be it sorrow from losing a loved one or friend to even a beloved pet...there's no randomness to it. The timing of God is always good. 

Whatever sorrow we face, whatever depression we are having, it will not go on forever. Job certainly probably thought his was an eternity. But it wasn't. Yours won't be either. Mine won't be as well. 

As another song says "...Last night I prayed the Lord my soul to keep
Then I cried myself to sleep
So sure life wouldn't go on without you. But oh, this sun is blinding me
As it wakes me from the dark
I guess the world didn't stop
For my broken heart...".
Jesus has allowed me and you to go through exactly what we need to in order to make us more like Christ. That's His promise of sanctification. The Bible says that He was a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief.  

Think about it. We only get a glimpse of a few times when Jesus shows us that He knew what was really going on in the hearts and minds of the people around Him. He knew how long some had been suffering. He knew how long the woman had been in the condition that she was before she reached out to touch the garments He wore in faith. He knew the hearts of the Jewish leaders around Him. He knew every single soldier who beat Him, mocked Him and nailed Him to the cross.  

We read that we don't have an Advocate who doesn't understand. 

"For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:15-16

Griefs, sorrows, disappointments, things of this nature are not to be nails to stop us. In Christ they propel us to move forward.  

I read my old journal entries. I have plenty to read that show where I was giving up. Yet in all Jesus was still there. Is still on the throne. Still my Advocate. He still made a way where there was no way for me to see a light at the end of the tunnel. 

His promises are always kept. It may not feel like it but they are.  

Paul wrote of his anxieties. Peter had anxieties. We are in good company. They grieved much. We grieve much. They drew closer to Jesus because of these things.  

We should do the same. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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