Monday, September 23, 2024

Remove the Stone

Remove the Stone 
by David Brenneman 

"You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.” Luke 12:40.

"The biggest mistake we make in life is thinking we have time."

"Remove the stone" John 11:39a.

In life we quite often think that we have the time to finish something that really should have been done when the situation warranted it.

We decide to go somewhere and out of the blue either we or someone nearby is in a car accident. Somewhere someone is walking along in a store, all seems right with the world, and gets a stabbing pain and their world spirals as their next days are spent in a hospital. 

We foolishly think that Jesus returning is a long way off. 

We can be equally foolish to believe that our review of our lives shows that overall we're good people who deserve to go to Heaven, when the reality is that we never came to Christ Jesus for salvation at any point in our life. 

There's a stone in front of the hearts of many people in my world and yours. It could very well be in front of yours right now my Dear Reader. 

That passage of John 11 has to do with the very real story of Jesus bringing Lazarus back from the dead. While Jesus easily could have caused the stone to move AND resurrected Lazarus, He had them do what they could do.

You and I have a door to our hearts, it's quite possible as hard as a stone, that we need to move to let Jesus in. 

Satan comes to steal and destroy life because nobody really matters to him. He cares not for one single soul. He just wants everything that only God is deserving of.  

He will deceive people because that's in his nature. He is THE Deceiver. 

He will use whatever he is permitted to alter the lives of people to his apparent gain.   

He lost at the cross of Jesus Christ and all that's happened since is the Spirit seeking out all who would believe in the only begotten Son of God for salvation. To save all who would call upon the name of Jesus Christ. Receiving the free gift of salvation. 

But that door has to be opened. 

Many people think that there's no evidence to be seen that they are in any hurry. 

Lives are forever altered in mere seconds every second of every day. 

People leave for work as I am about to shortly and have no promise that their day will end with them still being alive. 

They all think they have the time. 

You might too.

You might be thinking that there's so much more of your life that you want to live before you decide to turn it over to Jesus. Thinking that you're going to lose out on living life if you come to Christ to be saved. That's a huge fat lie of Satan. 

Essentially it's saying that you still have sins yet to commit and enjoy before you're ready to stop and confess that Jesus Christ needs to forgive you and to save you.

Remove the stone.  

Satan does whatever he thinks is in his own best interests. If you wind up in Hell...he doesn't care...there's more people left.  

His deceptions are to keep you from going to the other side. To keep you from a life in Christ where you finally have your spiritual eyes opened and can see his lies in all their ugliness. 

A saved life in Christ is hidden with Him. An unsaved life is exposed to all the powers of darkness in the world. 

My Dear don't have the time you think that you do.

You don't even have a promise of a next breath. That's God's unmeritted favor to you, giving you a chance to remove the stone and invite Him in to be your own personal Savior and Lord. 

Life is unpredictable. Yet it is full of predictable things.  

You can expect thoughts that will say that there's no need to hurry. 
You can expect thoughts that will laugh at what I am saying. 
You can expect thoughts that say you don't have the time. 

Remove the stone n invite Jesus in.

Do you really want to risk your eternity on what you think or feel vs what Jesus said you need to do?

Millions of good people are in Hell. Probably trillions. Countless millions never thought they deserved to be there. They thought they were really good people. Contributing to society. Helping mankind. Doing so much for others. 

Yet while they lived...they rejected Jesus. They wouldn't move that stone to hear the truth of the love of God poured out for them.

What will you do? You have a measure of faith given to you by God. You've got enough to come to Christ for salvation if you so choose. It's not an automatic thing because you believe that God is real. Demons have known that God is real since they were created. 

Choose life...real life.  
A life that you really can't understand until you invite Jesus in to be the forgiver of your sins and the leader of your life. 

Move the stone...and find the life and love of Christ that you've been searching for all your life. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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