Thursday, September 26, 2024

Our Opinion...isn't on the Table

Our Opinion...isn't on the Table 
by David Brenneman 

Was reading through my memories this morning on Facebook. One of them stood out and it's oh so true. 

Things that we'll never hear God say. 

Suffice to say...our opinion on how to live life isn't something that God's ever going to ask you or I about. 

Our thoughts on what really constitutes sin we will never be asked our opinions on.

Our views on what's really appropriate concerning dealing with sin is something Jesus isn't going to ask you or I about. 

We aren't even going to be asked if we're guilty or not. We won't be asked if we are saved or not. 

There's no version of Peter or Paul up at those pearly gates deciding on who's worthy of entering. The God of all Creation needs no help in knowing the saved from the unsaved. Needs no assistance in anything.

A question for you is this: Have you either consciously or unconsciously decided to define what good and right are in your life? To the extent that you don't even look at the Word of God to find out if such things really are or are not?

Do you think more of your thoughts than what the Spirit says to you?

Do you think more of the thoughts presented by others more than what the Spirit is saying to you?

Consider this: there are no denominations in Heaven. Yet there are hundreds of thousands in Hell. 

We are either Christ-followers or we are following ourselves or others. 

No person, place or thing should rise above the Word of God. 

Think about it...God says that every single part and portion of the Word of God will be satisfied. Will come about. Will be established. Will stand up against every thought of mankind and every single scheme of the devil. 

It matters not how Godly the man who was or is teaching...the Word of God is the standard. 

It matters not how upright a person may be...their thoughts and intentions may seem really good. The Word of God stands. 

All over this world are billions of opinions. Some are in agreement with Jesus on sin, billions of others are not.

Yet all will be silent before Jesus. 

Jesus isn't going to return and take a poll on who really thinks it's time to go to Heaven. He's not got 50 things to ask on a questionnaire for people. His Spirit rests upon all who are saved and it's with His testimony alone that we will leave with Jesus.

At the Final Judgment...note it very well that Jesus simply separates those who are saved from those are not. He asks nobody on a scale of 1 to 10 how righteous they are.  

While we read of how it is right now in Hell of those weeping and gnashing their teeth in Hell...when Jesus separates people at the Final Judgment that will happen right there for all to see.  

Our definitions of sin mean nothing with regards to sin. God says something is sin then your opinions don't matter. God says that you do this and it is sin, then it's sin.

God says that if you place people, places or things above Him in your heart then it's sin....then that makes it sin...your thoughts on it do not come into the equation. 

What God says is idolatry is idolatry. What God says is adultery is adultery. What He says is coveting is coveting. Whatever has been written in the Word of God is what is right and true.  

What you and I think isn't that bad? If the Bible says it is, then my Dear Reader, it is.

We don't have the authority to decide. We came to Christ Jesus for salvation...we handed all our rights to Him. All our authority is given to Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 

Why are cities, states and countries in the state they are? They're setting aside the truth of God's Word. Setting their own rules and making them into laws when those things are contrary to God's Word.

No laws of mankind supercede the Word of God. As we do read in the Bible...what right has the clay to question the Potter?  

God made everyone in His image. 
God made everyone for a right relationship with Jesus. 

God didn't make anyone gay or a homosexual. God didn't make anyone an alcoholic. God didn't make anyone a barbarian. God didn't...sin's lies did. Jesus said that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. People are so caught up in lies vs the real truth because they go to sleep each night. Satan's schemes don't stop at sundown. Satan's minions study everyone for whatever sins they might exploit. They know you better than you do. 

Getting you to say what is really a sin and what isn't has been going on since Adam and Eve!

Getting you to set your thoughts on sin above what God says about each and every single sin has been going on just as long.

We are to agree with Jesus on sin, ask for forgiveness, then turn away from it. We are not in any position to tell Jesus that it'll be ok. That He's overthinking things. That He's just not getting it. 

Consider your ways is what the Bible says. Stand firm in the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and spirit. Stand firm in the Lord and the devil will flee from you.  

Any mighty river can have its course changed all because of a correctly placed pebble in the right spot.   

A single accepted lie as becoming a truth to us over the Word of God can cause incredible harm to a life.

Set your mind on the things that are above and not on the things that are of this world.  

Agree with Jesus on what is sin, realize that you don't define what sin is. If you have, turn from it, ask for forgiveness from Jesus. 

Our opinion on sins will not bring about the righteous life that God desires for you and I.

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