Saturday, September 14, 2024


by David Brenneman 

Perhaps one of the best training yet not training videos you can see is within a movie. 

In the original, and only correct version, of the Karate Kid, Daniel agrees to be trained by Mr. Miyagi. 

What comes next made absolutely no sense to Daniel. He was washing and waxing cars. He was sanding and staining decks. He was painting a fence in a weird fashion. But when was he going to be learning karate? His frustration comes to a head and he blows up at Mr. Miyagi. Then Mr. Miyagi takes him through each lesson that he was unknowingly learning. 

We who have come to Christ are going to be going through things that we're not going to understand as being lessons taught to us by the Spirit of God. 

We're just not going to get it sometimes.   

But then there are those "Oh" moments. Those few and rare times when an explanation is given. 

Those "oh" moments can be quite humbling. Probably are entirely meant to be that.

We invite Jesus to come into our lives, our hearts even, and what are we expecting? That He's going to just sit in the living room and have coffee or tea? Shoot the breeze for a time? Maybe have the audacity to show Him to a room and foolishly make Him think that you'll call Him when you need Him? That you'll listen to Him as if He's only giving advice for you to consider rather than for the reason He's there to transform your life?

Maybe it's more than that? My Dear Reader of course it's more than that.   

Do you realize that you dishonor Jesus by behavior like we just read?

Do you realize that you are showing a life of selfishness by living for self in light of Jesus being with you when you do that?

Realize completely that you invited Him into your life to be the forgiver of your sins and the leader of your life. 

When He comes in, He already has all the keys to all the rooms, known and hidden rooms, of your heart, mind, soul and spirit. Period. Exclamation point. 


Yes. The Spirit is going to either initiate actions or activities to teach you how to live Godly in Christ Jesus or He's going to permit actions or activities that teach you how to live life in Christ. 

This is a very different episode of hoarders. We came to Christ with faith and trust in what Christ Jesus did on the cross to save us. We asked Him to be the forgiver of our sins and the leader of our lives. This means a blanket authority to remove whatever and insert whatever is necessary to become fully devoted followers of Christ. 

It means that we trust God and leave the consequences to Him. 

It means that we let go of whatever He throws out of our hearts and minds. 

It means that He leads we follow. 
It means we trust and obey. 
It means that we do not get ahead of Him. 
It means that we accept what He's doing and does without grumbling or complaining. 

We are in training. Read Paul's letters to the various Churches. It's all in there, you probably just don't see it right away. Just like Daniel didn't with Mr. Miyagi. 

There's always the temptation to bring something back in the house that the Spirit removed.

Something that we think we snuck in. He knows. 

Sometimes He will just throw it out again. Sometimes He will allow it to turn into a very hard learning experience. 

Our coming to Christ is never about us staying the way we were found.

Fast forward...Daniel's newfound understanding removed barriers that even he didn't know he had in trusting Mr. Miyagi.  

Look at the levels and degrees of trust that were being built between the Disciples and Jesus throughout the Gospels. Look at how Peter was and then read 1st and 2nd Peter. 

Look at the arrogant, self-righteous, pious, angry, murderous Saul and his transformation into Paul.

The Extreme Heart Makeover Edition happens to all who come to Christ for salvation.  

Before you think that the opportunities presented to you for ministry are someone else's...think again. Pray about it. NOBODY will be exalted for their movie or sports knowledge or achievements in that day we give an account of our lives before Jesus.  

All of those who are saved will, however, receive something for what we did in obedience to the leading of the Spirit of God in our lives. 


Are you intentionally spending time in God's word?
Are you intentionally spending time in intimate prayer with Jesus?
Are you intentionally setting aside things that aren't what the Spirit has in mind for you?

You may never understand why the word 'no' was used by God in your life in regards to opportunities or possessions. That's part of you trust Him with all your heart And not leaning on your own understanding. It's part of you in all your ways acknowledging Him so that He can make your paths straight. 

Oh. Yeah...oh.

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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