Saturday, September 7, 2024

No There Isn't

No There Isn't 
by David Brenneman 

There are no useless or unused cells in the body of Christ.
Everyone who is in Christ has something to do in the Lord's work. 
Nobody is retired in service to Our God until He calls us home. 

These thoughts came to me last night in thinking about 1 Corinthians 13-15. When we come to Christ...we are to pursue our position and role in the body of Christ.  

Useless and unused cells in a body are usually dead or cancerous. We absolutely do not want to be described as that. In other letters Paul basically refers to such people as wolves in sheep’s clothing. False prophets and teachers. 

In more than a few places in 1 Corinthians between chapters 13 and 15 Paul mentions pursuing your Spiritual gifts.  

Many years ago at a Grace Group something of a discussion on Spiritual gifts was going on. Someone said that they thought that I have the gift of prophecy. To read what Paul says to the Corinthian church...on what value prophecy is in edifying the Church...maybe I am gifted that way. 

I earnestly desire to write whatever Jesus has in mind for me to write each day...a few times over the years it was more than once in a day. My heart’s desire is to see people who are Children of God either be strengthened in their faith or to return to Jesus to once again walk with Him. My other strong desire is to see this used to bring people to Jesus for salvation.  

Globally what God's doing with my efforts I never could have accomplished on my own. As Paul had written this certainly is beyond whatever I could have asked for or thought. He's taking these posts places I never could had I only written a book. 

What is your gift? When we come to Christ Jesus for salvation...we are placed in the body of Christ as He sees fit. That's what the Bible says. We have a function. A purpose under Heaven for the glory of God.  

What are you really doing for Jesus? Warming a pew isn't it. Only going to Bible Studies and church services with no regard to doing the Christian life the way the Spirit intended for you isn't good. 

That would be tantamount to being that servant who took what the King gave him and burying it until the King returned, having done nothing with it. 

Extremely sad to say is that there are whole denominations that do not promote nor teach being doers of the Word of God. They don't teach about serving. Nor do they teach anything that edifys the Church. 

I know of many Godly men who stayed true to serving until they indeed were called home.  

One, a former Professor at Grace Theological Seminary, was still writing papers for students the night God called him home.  

In his latter years he and a few others got together, I had a small part in helping record these, and made videos of their lectures in order to teach future generations. 

Still others I know actually went home to Heaven while they were reading their Bible. 

Jesus asked the question: What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul? What would he give in exchange for his soul?  

Jesus also said that if anyone would come after Me that he must take up his own cross daily and follow Me. 

What are you doing to engage in the training that the Spirit has only for you to be learning in order to be of service to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

Are you more interested in anything else instead? Is that any way to show appreciation to Jesus for all He did for you?

Nothing should be more important that our obedience to God's will for us. Which is our sanctification. Our becoming more like Christ. 

Why do you also think that the content of the 10 Commandments are what they are?

We can inadvertently love things of this world more than we love Jesus simply by defining it as something else. Calling it a hobby. Calling it a love of the game. Calling it a love of a person's voice with regards to music. We can justify our love of things of this world. Adam and Eve did it. We sadly come by it honestly. 

Think about it. Our world does nothing to hide idolatry. It's promoted worldwide in whatever fashion it takes for a person to take the bait. 

Millions of church goers wear symbols of idolatry to church without a second thought. 

What were the children of Israel told to do? Put away their articles of idolatry from themselves before approaching the Lord. 

We who are in Christ sometimes, interestingly enough, are blinded by the darkness! We're supposed to be children of the Light.  

If you haven't been seeking out what it is that God's got for you to be doing...pray earnestly about it. 

There are no exceptions or excuses acceptable for not being all you are meant to be in the body of Christ. Read that story of the King and the talents again. How did the King react? You do realize that King is Jesus?

Pray about your involvement. Truthfully ask for forgiveness if you truly have been doing nothing. 

Do not fear what you might be called to be doing. Jesus loves you and wants whatever is best for you.
He's known you since before you were born. He watched you being formed in your mother's womb. Knew the day of your birth. Knew when you came to Jesus for salvation...and when your relationship with Jesus would begin. 

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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