Monday, September 16, 2024

I am Safe, Right?

I am Safe, Right?
by David Brenneman 

"There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:  Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,  A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil,  A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers." Proverbs 6:16-19.

"Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word." John 8:43 .

"But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised."  1 Corinthians 2:14.

"But I don't do any of those things!" You might be thinking. "I'm a good person!" 

Jesus said that He's at the door of your heart, knocking.  Have you listened for Him?  Have you let Him unconditionally?  

Jesus said it before Paul did.  Millions of people in today's world don't believe they're worthy of Hell. 

Millions die every single day waking up in Hell who didn't believe they deserved it either, yet there they are. 

It matters not our opinions concerning how good or bad we think we are.  What matters is whether or not you and I know of a time when Jesus Christ became the forgiver of our sins and the leader of our life.  That we fully trust in what He did to save us.  That we don't point to anything we've ever done as to why we should be allowed into His Heaven. 

Our good deeds mean nothing without salvation in Jesus Christ. 

Our thoughts we have that might indeed be good by our standards all the time mean nothing without salvation in Jesus Christ. 

Our anything means nothing without that something that's only found in the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. 

Are you getting it yet?

Many many people don't accept the things of God because they're more fearful of what they believe they will have to give up, what they believe they'll have to lose.

Jesus asked the question "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul? What can a man give in exchange for his soul?".

You might have read about or heard about King Solomon.  Wisest man to have ever lived.  Had everything his eyes and heart desired.  Wrote a few books of the Bible.  In one he describes everything he ever desired as being vanity of vanities.  All worthless.  Richest, wisest, man on earth at the time and there was nothing to be had that was worth more than the Lord.  Solomon, with all his wisdom, was lead astray by his thousands of wives and concubines. His children suffered for it.  

Are you thinking that you're ok?  You thinking that all that religion talk isn't for you?  Guess what, all religions will fail you.  I'm not involved in a religion.  I am in a relationship.  All religions honestly lead to you attempting to be good enough for whomever you're worshipping.  A relationship with Jesus leans into you trusting in everything He did on the cross of calvary to save you.  All religions tie into dead people or truly demons.  In Christ we have a real relationship with Jesus who isn't dead.  

He's not only alive but is going to come back one day to claim all who have put their faith and trust in Him alone for salvation. 

If all you can think of is what you think you will've already lost. 

Nothing in your life will go with you to Hell or even to Heaven except people.  

You may become the only Christian in your family.  This might be hard but it's not impossible.  In Christ you're never alone.  As a Christian Preacher once said about a future King David.  David realized that he and his God were a majority in any situation.  

All it takes to earn your way to Hell is being born. Before you have ever uttered a word you're spiritually dead in sins.  We are all born in sin and all need a Savior who is Christ the Lord.  The Bible says this. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". 

You have to be the one who comes to that door to your heart and opens it AND asks Jesus to come in and be the forgiver of your sins and the leader of your life.  No other way exists to enter into Heaven. 

No if's and's or but's.  Having been born in sins, it's always downhill from there for everyone who's not come to Christ for salvation.  

The good news is the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus is free to all who ask.  So just ask! 

"Jesus I want you to be the forgiver of my sins and the leader of my life.  Forgive me for my sins. Save me!  I want your free gift of salvation that's only through faith and trust in You!"

Coming to Christ for salvation is simple enough that a child can understand it.  

The ball is in your court. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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