Tuesday, September 3, 2024


by David Brenneman 

"But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man." John 2:24-25.

"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11.

"But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24
What is your ministry? Through self-evaluation many people don't think that there's a ministry or mission or Spiritual purpose for them after they came to Christ Jesus for salvation. Yet, my Dear Reader, that's the farthest from the truth that there is.

The Great Commission wasn't to do only with the Disciples who were to become the Apostles.  

Paul's statement in Acts 20 verse 24 is our statement as well. 

God's will for you and I is our sanctification. Our lives are unique and yet commonplace. We all go through difficult times and yet for the Believer its never times spent alone. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our Great Physician, our God is with us to carefully take each of us through each and every season of our lives until we reach that distant shore.

We go through things to purify our lives and to prepare us for the next spot of adversity. 

We go through things tailored to each of us by His wisdom and knowledge concerning each of us.

While what you are going through doesn't appear to be unique in light of other's around you, your experience will be unique to you. 

A group of men and women in basic training all go through the same training yet all come out of it differently. 

We are in training to learn how to become more like Christ. 

Whereas we first read of Jesus not entrusting Himself to man because He knew what was in the heart of men...after you came to Christ all that changed.  

All that the unsaved seek is the selfish desires of their hearts.  

All that is on the hearts of those who came to Christ Jesus for salvation is how to live out their salvation in gratitude for all that Jesus did for them. 

We need the discernment of Jesus Christ in our lives. We still have a sin nature that's not to be trusted. 

We still are not as wise as we should be because of that same sin nature. 

Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness is a daily life of looking to see what it is that the Spirit wants of us to be hearing, seeing, seeking, doing. If He says to rest, then rest. If He says it's time to get moving then we get moving.  

Our world is filled with messages of deceit and deception. Circumstances are manufactured and events manipulated to twist and distort truth...God's truth.

Children are being manipulated as early as toddlers to become something God never intended. 

Children are told to put away playing make believe yet adults are now protected by law, allowing them to be whatever they want to be. 

As we read in Genesis of before the Great Flood...the thoughts and intentions of mankind were evil continually. If it weren't for the restraining power of the Spirit of God, this world would easily be the same as right before that flood. Ready for the Judgment of God. 

You are to be actively pursuing a real right relationship with Jesus. 

This is to be more important than anything else. This is what you take into the next step into eternity.  

Excuses won't cut it. Our reasons for not obeying in this won't cut it. 


We only think that there's times in our lives or situations that only we have shared with Jesus that He knows about. No my Dear Reader, truth is He knows everything about you and I and chose to love us anyway.

Are you seeking His mission for your life or are you spending your time pursuing only doing, saying and being what you want to be?

Are you giving Jesus your leftovers?

Honestly is that any way to treat the One who was crucified in your place?

Is your career worth more than that?

Is your anything worth more than that?

One second after you die...are you going to excitedly say "Jesus!" or will you only then realize you wasted so much time when you lived and be filled with remorse. 

We can change things right now where we are. We can ask Him to reveal whatever has been in the way between where we are and where He wants us to be.

Jesus...is waiting...for...you.

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.   

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