Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Reminder Continues to All Who Believe

The Reminder Continues to All Who Believe 
by David Brenneman 

"And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another. But I have written very boldly to you on some points so as to remind you again, because of the grace that was given me from God, to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, ministering as a priest the gospel of God, so that my offering of the Gentiles may become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Therefore in Christ Jesus I have found reason for boasting in things pertaining to God. For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed," Romans 15:14-18.

Many wonder what it is that God wants of them. The first is to learn to be more like Christ. Here in the latter parts of Romans we see another aspect of God's Will for us. 

"remind you again, because of the grace that was given me from God, to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, ministering as a priest the gospel of God,"

All who claim the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are priests unto God. We have a divine purpose brought to our lives because of the promises of God and the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 

The Great Commission wasn't some set of marching orders given only to the Disciples. You read this portion of Romans and you see that here as well within those words. 

All who aren't Jews are Gentiles. Should any who are Jewish have hearts that are tender to the Word of God, sure, they too can find the same salvation as we in Christ Jesus. They then become Messianic Jews. Jews who have become part of the current remnant. 

We aren't here to dabble into things that will cause others to stumble by way of our desire for enjoyment of the same. We can easily be the same justifiers of our actions as many of us were before we came to Christ Jesus for salvation. 

We can say we're not hurting anyone. Truth be known we're lying. We're just desensitized to the condition we are in. Doesn't make it right or acceptable in the Lord. 

We embrace something. We either embrace our calling the shots in our lives or we look to the Spirit.  

If our extracurricular actions and activities are delving into areas that are not at all going to bring glory to God...then my Dear Reader why are we doing them?

"It's all ok, it's just all in fun!" Really? Paul just wrote earlier in this book of if anything he would eat or do that would cause someone else to stumble he would never eat/drink or do again. 

Are you that sensitive to the needs of others? Isn't being sensitive to the needs of others an attribute of Jesus?

Our calling in Christ is absolute. 
We have a greater responsibility to that than anything else. No business policies no laws of man supercede the obedience to God's Word. No worldly anything has the right to negate the Word of God or the Will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 

The world would have everyone believe that if we say that we aren't believing that we are not hurting anyone that it's ok. 

The world is perishing. All over again. Dr. John C. Whitcomb had a book out called "The World that Perished" that was a follow-up to his book with Henry Morris called "The Genesis Flood".  

We are living in those days that Jesus told His Disciples was coming. It's here. It's now. 

Time is running out for many in this world because they don't see nor believe the truth of the Bible. 

We are still obligated to live lives honoring to the Lord Jesus Christ who took our place on calvary. 

We are obligated to put the needs of the Spirit of God ahead of our own. 

All that we have will become someone else's when God calls us home or the Rapture of the Church happens.  

What will those things say to the world about our lives in Christ?

In Christ we are called to be lights in this present darkness. Not freeloaders or coasters through life until we die. 

We show the world what's important to Jesus. If what we show isn't glorifying God then why?
Why are we embracing these things?  

We should be, daily, asking Jesus what is it you have for me to do today? What's on your agenda? Paul said that to live is Christ, do you believe that is true for you?

For me it's been decades ago and to be truthful it's a struggle at times to not run after what I did in my youth. The world of fantasy. Of science fiction. Looking back I certainly was wasting time that was meant to be spent with Jesus either in fellowship with Him or in serving others in His sted.

These days I look forward to my times in my reading and writing here in these early morning hours. I look forward to my evening reading in my Bible and a couple devotionals. It takes my mind and resets it to what's important to Jesus. While yes there are possibilities of entertaining things in this world...I prefer the solitude and silence of being with Jesus.  

My life is to reflect Jesus. 
Your life if you're saved in Christ Jesus is to reflect Jesus too. Not to reflect things of this world.  

Perception is everything I was once told. It's very true. I have learned that delusions can be as well. We can be deluded and think that it's perfectly fine and ok. That would be our perception. A wrong perception. 

Asking Jesus to open our eyes to the truth of our perceptions and a willing heart to let go of what is revealed shows growth and maturity in Christ. We are here to grow in Christ. We are here to make disciples. We are here to love God with our everything and love others as ourselves.  

Do you? Does your life show that you want what Jesus wants? Or does it show a life caught up in things of this world?

You really ought to sit down and talk about it with Jesus. Be sure of your salvation in Christ Jesus and then find out what it is that's for you to be doing for Him out of gratitude for all He's done for you. It may not be the life you will be more.

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation. 

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