Thursday, August 15, 2024

He is Able

He is Able
By David Brenneman 

"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;" 2 Corinthians 9:7-8.
There's been many times in my life when I had thoughts of "what can I do? I don't have that much to give...".

Ask yourself...can anyone out give God? When the widower in the Old Testament was in need she was told to gather as many containers as she could...through the works of God she filled every single one and had more than enough to cover her debts.

We look at the miracles we know of with Jesus. Sure the "headlines" say feeding the 5,000...but that wasn't including women and children. Closer to 15,000 fed with much left over.

Can we really be fearful of giving, or is it fear of something else?  

Fears were the first thing that Adam and Eve had to deal with with the first sin.  

Fears keep some people frozen and unable to move.

Fears actually drive some people to rage and to react without thought to their actions. 

Fears are overcome by faith.  

Remembering our faith history is critical to a life of liberty in Christ. 

It's not a matter of what I can do.

In Christ there's no limits within the boundaries of the will of God. 

Grace is God’s unmeritted favor.

We don't earn grace it's what we get from our real relationship with Jesus. We only learn what true love is by our relationship with Jesus. The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear.

We cannot live life by sight and sound alone. Faith is required to press on or to stand firm.  

Your faith history is critical. If you aren't remembering what Jesus already brought you through and to, how will you go the next mile?

Many don't take a leap of faith because they're too fixated on their senses and not on what God is capable of doing in them, through them or for them. 

Paul used to reiterate near the closing of his letters to the churches...that He is able. Paul saw it. Paul lived it. Paul tried to impart it to Timothy. 

The critical our selfish ways. 

We hear that voice talking trash about what we have to give up.

We hear that voice talking about how impossible the situation is and that we should turn back.

Trust God. If you get anything out of the Old Testament lessons...if God brings you to it, He will see you through it. 

He is able. 

Years ago I was very intimidated by the thought of walking a 5k. Was afraid of my flat feet being a problem. Was I in shape enough. Was there going to be troubles on the route. Was this going to be a good thing or not. Doubts assailed me. I cast them aside and signed up. Took it one step at a time. It was a walk, not a race. I now have many 5k's under my belt. 

In a short time I will attempt a 24 mile bike ride. Doing it is building on the lessons from the 5k walks. It's a ride not a race. Pacing myself and going at my own pace are what's important. Keeping hydrated. Keeping an eye on my body.  

There's many things that I never knew that I could do in the last 20 plus years that God brought me to and through. He is able. 

When I had been going through years and years of mental assaults concerning my salvation...He was there and pulled me through it.

When you are brought to something and you know that the hand of God is behind in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. 

The Bible says that fear has no place in love for perfect love casts it out.  

Jesus brought me through more than anyone will ever know and until He returns or calls me home...He will continue to do so. 

Jesus is ready to bring you through way more than you think you're capable of...He is able.  

Write down your faith history.  
Refer to it when you're down or depressed. I do.

I write what I write at His direction...but I still battle depression. Still battle other things in life. Still do because I still have a sin nature. But I also have a Savior who is Christ the Lord. 

His promise is to never leave us nor forsake us. He's never broken that promise with me, He won't with you either. 

If He lays something or someone on your heart...listen to Him. Don't trust your eyes or ears...listen to Him and obey in what you're told to do or say. Others may not get it. I can testify to that as well. After God followed through with those things, the nay sayers had nothing to stand on.  

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation. 

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