Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Do You Hear it?

Do You Hear it?
by David Brenneman 

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20.

The door would be that door to your heart. That place where throughout the years you've let in everything and everyone else in this world in an attempt to find joy and happiness and peace. 

We all look for things that bring joy, peace and happiness to our lives. We want acceptance and try to shun rejection. 

We also sometimes project our fears onto others in order to not feel so bad about our choices. 

Jesus should have unhindered access to the hearts of all people but He doesn't. 

Jesus, along with the Father and the Spirit created mankind for fellowship with God. Created in their image. 

There are those who reject Jesus out of anger from past incidents. They foolishly rage against the very one who grants them a breath to breathe.  

There are those who are on the fence about this Jesus thing. They are in-between believing that there might be something more to it and not. 

There are those who have seen or heard or lived enough that they needed no further convincing that the noise they were hearing was indeed Jesus knocking at the door of their hearts. 

The saddest of days to a Believer is to be face-to-face with someone who's adamant about rejecting all that they've known concerning a life in Christ Jesus. They know that a life in Christ can't be fully explained it must be experienced. Just as the Bible says. The unbelieving man or woman cannot understand the things of God because they are spiritually discerned. You need the Spirit of God within you in order to have it explained to you. 

So many people are shocked to wake up in Hell one second after they die. They were way too content to leave Jesus out on the front porch rather than to invite Him into their lives to be their own Lord and Savior. 

Jesus never ever said that He only wants to just be friends.  

Jesus never said to anyone that a life in Christ meant that you can just go on and live your life your way after coming to Christ for salvation.  
If there's no fruits to show a changed heart then by all means question whether or not you are saved!

Jesus did say that those who are Children would know if others they encounter are saved by examining their lives for the fruits of the Spirit. 

Jesus is incredibly patient towards everyone. He also knows already who will or won't come to Him for salvation. But for all He gives the chance to realize He never left the door of their hearts. 

Nowhere do we read that after a while Jesus gave up and walked away. Jesus died once for all mankind.  

He died for every single person in all of human history. Whether they believed it or not He still died for them.  

Choice came from the cross He died upon. The choice to open that door or keep it closed. 

Too many people treat Jesus at the door of their hearts as a solicitor. 

He earnestly desires to have a vibrant real relationship with you. 

He loves to talk with you. 
He loves to walk with you. 
He loves to just hold you when you don't know what to say. 

He really would for all who would open that door and let Him in. 

Hell was never meant for mankind. 
Did you know that? God never meant for a single person to ever go there. It was meant for Satan and his demons. Those angelic beings who rebelled against God. 

Then Cain killed Abel, rejecting the will of God for himself. Becoming the first human being to go there. 

When Cain had died, he arrived to that place and saw his brother Abel across that chasm that Jesus describes in the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. Cain in torment while his brother was not. 

Then others joined both. Choices in their physical lives determined their eternal future.  

Your decision concerning receiving Christ Jesus as your Savior and Lord in your physical life will determine your future destination.  

Since the cross that place where those who had believed throughout history to that point is no more. Those people left where they were and they all went with Jesus to Heaven. 

Everyone left there are still probably crying out to God but they will not be heard. Some crying out from disbelief at finding themselves there, some enraged because they found themselves there. They will all acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord in the near future. 

Jesus patiently awaits at the door of your heart. He says that all who come to Christ for salvation by no means will He cast out. 

Don't let what anyone else says to you about this keep you from letting Jesus in. Your eternity mattered enough that Jesus died for you. He paid the price in full. All that remains is for us to open that door and invite Him in. 

Don't go looking around at your heart at its filthiness. He will take care of all of that.  

Don't worry about your past. When you receive His free gift of salvation, you are forgiven. He remembers your sins no more. 

What will you do about that knocking at the door of your heart?
He loves you too much to walk away. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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