Saturday, July 13, 2024

What and Who and Where?

What and Who and Where?
by David Brenneman 

"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,  does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The verse of the day was the portion of "does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth".

What and Who and Where does your rejoicing go?  Simple enough a question, but perhaps not such an easy one to answer. 

We unknowingly, perhaps unwittingly, do far more rejoicing in the unrighteous acts we engage in and others around us. Probably those we see in social media, the news, videos...we actually join the world in this.

To be in Christ is to be among those "called out" in this world to be different.  Different in that our hearts are being molded after our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.  

The rest of the passage is included because the true context is about the character of Christ. 

Long lived marriages are often because of the truth found here.  I used to be an Audio Engineer and weddings were very common.  Quite often this passage was quoted by the officiant with regards to the vows.

Would you characterize you as one taking intentional steps towards God's truth in your life?  

Do you embrace the things of this world or are you embracing the truths of God's word for you?  

I read something this morning that said that those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.  Those who are intentionally not teaching the past want it repeated. 

Your past is to help you to recognize where you are in Christ right now.  To see what's coming and to prepare.  We really don't have much to stand on when we are rejoicing in the wrong things and thinking. 

Do you give your rejoicing to others that belongs to God?

Do you rejoice in things that you already know that God wouldn't appreciate or approve of?

Do you at all get excited about a passage of Scripture that you now understand?

Does seeing the Spirit working in your life or the lives of people around you cause you to rejoice more than the worldly stuff you are involved in?

Many Believer's are embracing idolatry and have no sense to recognize it.  It's not harping on that subject, it's acknowledging the truth of our day.  We have more access to more information to further more imagination than the days of Noah. 

We live among billions of people who choose to rejoice in unrighteousness.  We really do.

It should be a given that if we are indeed setting our minds on the things that are above that we should be rejoicing in the truth.  

If indeed we are trusting in the Lord with all our hearts...then we should be rejoicing in the truth. 

If indeed we are not embracing this world, we should be embracing Jesus. 

It's incredibly sad when I have been to churches where more passion, more excitement is had IN THE CHURCH SERVICE CONCERNING SPORTS than they immediately followed with in regards to a hymn praising Jesus.  I have had people seriously say they would pray for me concerning my lack of interest in a particular sports team. 

This isn't rejoicing in the truth.
That is rejoicing in the world.

Jesus said Heaven and Earth would pass away but His words would never pass away.   

We heard it straight from Him.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and spirit. Love your neighbor as yourself.  No where in those two does the love of the things of this world come into the picture.

When you look at you in the mirror, do you see a person rejoicing in God's truth?

When you get dressed, is God honored by your choice of apparel?

When you speak to others about what excites you, is it about what Jesus is doing in your life?

When life comes at you...are you holding to rejoicing in the truth?

I can't help but recognize all the uses of the word "all" and immediately go to another passage. "All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness that the man of God may be adequate, equipped, for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16.

Put these two passages together and you really do have a different appreciation for the work of the Spirit of God in your life. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.   

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