Monday, June 19, 2023

Oh What We Spend on It

Oh What We Spend on It
by David Brenneman 

This world seeks it and many spend everything they have and can on finding it.

Peace.  Lasting satisfaction.  Joy that satisfies self.  

In Nehemiah this morning I was reading of his recounting his visit back to Jerusalem.  Of how things had already began to slip from when this people had vowed to obey the book of the Law that had been found. 

Many today don't look to the Law, but to the grace and mercy of God through a relationship with Jesus, but how many of those still seek to build peace as they think it should be?

We often still, even as Christians, try to find a way to have our cake and eat it too. 
We try to find ways to get the peace of God by way of the things of this world. Creating our own slice of Heaven. 

"Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful." John 14:27 NASB. 

Note that there is and is SUPPOSED to be a difference.  "Not as the world gives."

When you are seeking your will to be's more often grasping at straws isn't it?  You find it costs too much, doesn't last as long as you wanted. Was no where near as fulfilling as you hoped it would be. 

Some look for peace in how they eat.
Some in how they exercise. 
Some in the places they visited.
Some in buying pieces to remind them of the past. 
Some in education. Thinking just getting that degree will mean success where they have failed. 

When we are not looking for our part in God's plan for us, we are not going to find His peace and rest.  

Nehemiah wanted to obey the Lord in all he did. Asking the Lord to remember the good that he tried to do.  The example he tried to set.

My prayers these days have become more of asking what my purpose is in this life that are a part of His plan for me.  We aren't born in this time in history by accident. Satan's been using everything he is permitted to disrupt the plan of God while thinking he's achieving his own goals for universal domination.  

Satan has not ceased being Satan.  He is still the same one whom the Lord Jesus Christ has defined as a liar and the father of lies. 

He's still pushing to lie, cheat, steal, murder, destroy whomever he can.  

If you think you're going to live a life where he's not or his minions won't mess with you, you're sadly mistaken. 

We can learn much from Nehemiah's struggles to keep the people set on obedience to God's Word.  We can if we but are willing ourselves to be obedient. 

Joy and happiness that are man-made are never going to last.  From food to medication to education to anything we desire.  

Remember that in the last days people will find those who will be lovers of self.  2 Timothy 3:2.

Remember that in the last days difficult times will come.  2 Timothy 3:1

It's going to be a fight to keep true to God's plan and purpose for us. 

People will try to recreate God's word into what they want it to say.  They want their own will to be more accepting to God than what God's will is for them.  They want their things that they do, the things they have done to themselves and others, to be ok in the sight of God.  People who don't want Jesus as the only way to get to Heaven.  People who only want their own morals to be ok with God.  People who want positions in the Church that are other than those already defined by the Spirit.  Whether people agree or not. The Word of God does not change to fit what society wants.  There are no positions in the Church that include intentionally living in a life of sin.  There are none that include rejection of Jesus as the only way to Heaven.  Whether you agree or not it is irrelevant. Jesus said that not one portion or part of the Bible would ever fade away.  

When we are intentionally trying to make our own peace, apart from the will of God,  we will inevitably fail. 

If you indeed are a you really want to stand before Jesus later and have the review of your life to show it was all about you or that it showed that it was about Him, about what you did for Him?

If you are reading this and are not saved in Christ Jesus, are you seeing the futility of the life you've been living? 

When we come to Christ for salvation, the Spirit of God sets His seal upon us. We are now part of the family of God.  We now have a place, part, purpose and function in the body of Christ here on Earth.  We become His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that we might walk in them.  We then live lives that shine in such a way that people see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven.  

Note the utter absence of self.  It's not about us, it's about Him. It's about Jesus. 

Oh what we spend on life that matters absolutely not in regards to growing in Christ.  

We are taught to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.  Do you include that in your priorities?

We are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and spirit. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Does this ring true in your life? 

Is your view of life clouded with one desire after another of yours that keeps feeling like it's never in your grasp?  It's always just beyond your fingertips?

My prayers these days are about others seeing Jesus in me.  It's to the point in my life that I have no dreams left to dream.  I have achieved more in life than I thought possible decades ago.  My desires are only to be found doing that which the Spirit has wanted of me to be doing in this life given to me.  Worldly things mean less and less.  Degrees and certificates are meaningless in light of eternity.  Focusing on me and what I want isn't as important as it used to be.  Some of what I am lead to say will probably upset some people.  Reading in the book of Acts, this is going to happen.  I am in good company. 

One of the jobs of the Spirit is to protect the Word of God, the Bible.  Another is to teach us all things, this is sanctification. Another is to bring conviction to the souls of men and women, to point people to Jesus Christ for salvation.  

Do you desire what Jesus desires? 
Are you tired, worn, by seeking peace in your life?  Try it God's way. 

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