Who's the Boss?
by David Brenneman
We can often jump into the day with our own agenda. Many things impact our thoughts from the moment our eyes open to begin the day. The question is, who's calling the shots in your life? Who's plan are you following?
Many many people, and it has to be many many people because the Bible has it written in it, will stand before Jesus saying they did this in His Name and that in His Name. People who thought they were saved because of the works they did to bring about something they determined were God's wishes for mankind in this world. People who will even go to death thinking they were serving God. Only to find themselves in Hell completely not understanding why they are there.
A life in Christ begins with a real relationship with Christ. Then comes what should happen next. His Will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It's not about our coming to Christ and getting every wish we ever desired, wanted or thought about. No where in the Great Commission will you find such a thought.
Many. That's a very scary number if you ask me. Many out of the trillions of lives that will have lived since Adam and Eve will be standing there.
We have the time, as long as we're breathing, to be sure of our salvation in Christ Jesus. ONCE you're sure, the only next step is: Ok, Jesus, what do you have for me to do for all you've done for me?
Jesus said those who want to save their lives will lose it. Those who loses his or her life for the sake of the gospel will find it. Matthew 16:25.
We are not to live for our family or our businesses more than we live for Jesus.
We live a life for Christ for all He's done for us to the best of our abilities TO family, friends and those we work for. Colossians says that in Chapter 3:23-25 "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people, knowing that it is from the Lord that you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. For the one who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality."
Oh how many have it wrong today who're among those who got it wrong for centuries!
We aren't to treat God as someone to come along side of us to fulfill our plans and desires.
We join Jesus and through the Spirit of God, fulfill His plan and purpose for each of us as well as the Great Commission to go make disciples, teaching them to do all that He commanded. After they've come to Christ, to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Remembering that He is with us always even to the end of the age. Which, by the way, isn't that far off.
When people hear you, see you, see what you text them, see what you post online...do they know that Jesus is that important to you? If not, why not? More afraid of your employer? More afraid that others might unfriend you? More afraid of what?
Why be more afraid of what anyone on this world thinks of you by standing in your faith than you would be of offending the Holy God of the Universe?
He said: "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
We only THINK we know what's right, true, wonderful, joyful, exciting, exhilarating, uplifting, enjoyable, trustworthy, and whatever other descriptions you would like to use. Jesus said He came to give us life, but not just life, but life more abundant.
We either live as the world defines life as being or we live as the Creator of the Universe defines life as being.
We either look for the praises of men and women or we look for the "Well done" from our Savior and Lord.
Who's the boss in your life? Are you in the Captain's chair or is Jesus?
We read earlier today of the parts of the body of Christ and how important is is to be the best body part that the Spirit sets you in the body to be. Bar none that should be your chief motivation. To live your life in such a way that those without Jesus see our good works and are caused to glorify our Father in Heaven. Selah.
My Dear Reader...Jesus wishes for an intimate relationship with you. How much of you does He get each day? Each hour? Each minute? What is more important to you than what that is and what that means?
Are you trying to get Jesus to join you or are you asking Him where does He need you?
Have you sought the accolades of humanity only to have left Jesus behind?
Did you, as King David wrote of himself, lead people to the Temple of God but no longer do?
There's all kinds of exits on the road of life that leads to Heaven's gates...if you've been distracted and have gotten off...as long as there's a breath of life in you...ask for His help in getting back to where you ought to be in His body. Many jump ship because of difficulties. Of hardships, of criticism of others towards them. Jesus endured it all on His way to the cross. He knows the difficulties in living for Him. He's prepared for it if we but only trust Him and not our fears not our desires.
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