Monday, April 3, 2023

The Promised Return

The Promised Return 
by David Brenneman 

God's grace was made available to all at the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  What millions of people have experienced for over 2,000 years are lives affected by grace.  God's Riches At Christ's Expense. 

We are quickly approaching the time of the year when we are reminded of the final week of Jesus's life on Earth.  

For many, it's one of a very few times they attend a church.  My Dear Reader, my hope is that for those to whom that is true...that maybe those would consider going a little deeper. 

Jesus's love didn't end when He proclaimed "It is FINISHED!!!".  
What was finished was all the requirements that God the Father had in order to pay the price for the sins of you, I, and everyone else who has lived or ever will live. It covered all of humanity for all human history.

This morning I awoke to Alan Jackson's "When We All Get to Heaven". 

Yes, people have been preaching for over 2,000 years that Jesus is returning.  

That's the prelude to the main event.  We accept that at the movies all the time.  There's a pre-planned time in the movie setting up the story line.  Things in this prelude happen to establish what happens later.

We read in the rest of the Bible, outside the 4 Gospel accounts, of the prelude events leading up to His return.  

When you look you find that over and over again these events are coming true.  Over and over again with Godly precision.  Nothing will be left undone that's written concerning what will happen. 

Nations rising and falling. Events concerning Israel.  Nations removing other nations. It's all there.

We delude ourselves by dismissing the returning of Jesus as He promised to do. 

We often don't realize that part of the work of Satan is exactly that: to get us to be deluded about the return of Jesus Christ. 

To get us to think it's far off. That there's no rush. That we can indulge in living for ourselves. That we can take it easy.

In the Bible it teaches to be diligent. 
In the Bible it says what to be doing at all times. 

We know not when but we are all taught to be workers in His fields, His harvest is at hand.  

Life is going to be rough. But with Jesus we don't live it alone.  

When we try on our own we find it's too much for any of us. 

We also do not need to "make up" for past sins that God has, through forgiveness in Christ Jesus, forgiven us of.  We don't need to be punishing ourselves for those past sins.  If we indeed are saved in Christ Jesus, if we meant it that we asked for forgiveness, then He's forgiven us...let go and move on. 

Jesus is returning and it's important to be found faithful. It important because what we do in the body we have for Jesus is what matters to God. Not what games we attended, movies or television shows we watched, not what books we have read, not what level of education we achieved. 

My Dear Reader we have but this short time between right now and when He returns to tell others about the love of God through salvation in Christ Jesus. 

We who are saved should be telling others of what Jesus did for us. 

For those reading this who aren't saved...the message to you is that Jesus loved you enough to die for you.  He took your place on the cross you deserved to die on because of your own sins. 

Most know John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."

Million of people have lived out their lives in the grace and mercy of God given to them when they said yes to the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. 

Millions of others have been directly impacted by those changed lives. 

Salvation is free but it is a limited time offer.  There's things that are going to happen after Jesus returns that are going to equate to Hell on Earth. The wrath of God will be poured out on mankind to fulfill even more of the judgment of God. It's coming. You do NOT want to be here.

If everything leading up to the resurrection proved to be can bank on all the rest being true. 

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. 

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