by David Brenneman
"So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 NASB.
There possibly something to be gained by knowledge of this world, however, none of that will take the place of Godly wisdom gained through a life in Christ Jesus. Books, videos, streaming, media, coaching, instructables, meal plans, medical care, can all maybe be of a benefit, but should never take the place of or be considered equal to what is taught by the Spirit of God.
Many want to elevate human wisdom and knowledge to be equal to the Word of God. They want to have their way along side God's Way. They are not content with what God's plan for them is.
The Bible says that the Spirit places each Believer in the body of Christ as He sees fit. He doesn't ask anyone for their resume. He doesn't ask anyone for their ideas on how to do that which He called them to be and to do. We are born in this here, this now, for His plan and purpose. We were not born 100 years ago because that would not fit His plan and purpose.
We will all give an account for the things we did in the body for Jesus. The other part of our life as a Christian is spent getting to know Jesus. To love Him more with each passing day.
The Bible says of itself that it is sharper than any two-edged sword. It's able to go places in a person's heart, soul and mind that only God can go.
We really do not have the right to turn and run from our calling in Christ Jesus. We do not have the right to tell God what our calling in Christ Jesus is going to be.
To do so is to tell God that He made a mistake somewhere and it's on us to fix it.
So we went through a rough time. Jesus did too. So people hurt us. They hurt Jesus too. So things didn't go the way we thought they should. They didn't appear to go right for Jesus but they did.
We will begin to avoid people who remind us to stand firm in the faith. We will put on a show about our lives and try to get others to join in our hypocrisy. As the Bible says people will gather to themselves those teaching them what their itching ears want to hear.
The Bible warns that people will be lovers of themselves. They will put themselves and their well-being ahead of God's plan for them. This too leads away and not towards Godly wisdom.
Look at your life. Could your finite mind even be able to start a list of things you truly have done from the heart for God in true obedience?
We will present a life on this Earth to Christ some day. Will what's revealed present shame? Will what's revealed present our will being done and not His?
Jesus is expecting something after our life is tried by fire. The Bible says that some will indeed get into Heaven but have absolutely nothing to give back to Jesus.
Are you adding to what's necessary to life in Christ? Are you equating anyone or anything as being as important as God's Word and Will for you?
I don't know about you, but for me, a life in Christ Jesus means more to me than most. I want Jesus to say welcome home. I want Jesus to be pleased with what I offer back to Him. I will obviously disappoint people in my life because of the importance of looking towards that day of seeing Jesus face-to-face.
What will your life show?
What will you have after your deeds are tested by fire?
Did you shrink away from your calling, even thinking that your "success" was affirmation, and leave His plan and purpose for you? This is a deception of Satan. Success in the world's eyes isn't necessarily success in God's eyes.
Consider this well:
"Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this way let him walk. And so I direct in all the churches. Was any man called when he was already circumcised? He is not to become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in uncircumcision? He is not to be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God. Each person is to remain in that state in which he was called. Were you called as a slave? Do not let it concern you. But if you are also able to become free, take advantage of that. For the one who was called in the Lord as a slave, is the Lord’s freed person; likewise the one who was called as free, is Christ’s slave. You were bought for a price; do not become slaves of people. Brothers and sisters, each one is to remain with God in that condition in which he was called." 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 NASB.
We will indeed want to jump ship when life bombards us with difficult people or difficult situations. Fight or flight mode.
Will you see your life, when it's presented, as one of obedience?
We will indeed, and probably soon, be presenting our lives to Jesus.
Will yours show a life fully devoted to Jesus? Will it show a life that rode the edge between obedience and the world?
What will you present to Jesus?
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