Friday, April 29, 2022

You Might Say You Don't Need God...However...

 You Might Say You Don't Need God...However...

By David Brenneman 

At some point either earlier in life or maybe even right now you're thinking that you don't need God. 

The truth of the matter is only the living have issues with the existence of God.

In the story of the Rich man and Lazarus there's no mention in the life of the Rich man that he ever had given God a second thought.  In fact upon his arrival he was only concerned at all that none of his family would join him. He knew without a doubt that his life,as he knew it, was a waste and that God's punishment for sin was very real. 

He had no recourse. 

He had no way to end his torment. 

He had no way to warn his family, save this story being told by Jesus. This rich man lived in a time before Jesus began living on Earth as a man. The telltale is what Abraham tells him.  He said that his family had Moses and the prophets. He didn't say that Jesus was there to listen to. 

Your unbelief isn't going to work in your favor.  It's not going to end well for any who reject the plan of salvation that is freely given through faith in Jesus Christ. 

You are not thinking that you need Jesus. Most everyone in Hell thought the same. 

You might be thinking that you've got time. That you'll have your come to Jesus meeting before you die.  Really? You have no guarantee that you will live through the next hour let alone the next day,  month or year. Millions of people died today whi thought they had a tomorrow. 

The interesting fact is that there are NONE who don't believe in Hell. Everyone knows why they are there and knows there's nothing they can do about it.  For just as the Bible has said, they are paying for their own sins.  For all eternity. In torment and pain.  No way out, no second chances.  Jesus, in telling that story, definitively stated that no second chances will be offered or given. 

Jesus doesn't want anyone to end up in Hell. He paid the price for all the sin of mankind, but, you must accept Him as your Savior. You have to do more than just believe that He exists.  Demons believe that He exists.  Romans 10:8-9 NASB "But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; ".

Jesus has such a life prepared for you if only you would come to Him to be saved!

If indeed the dead could speak that died without Christ, all, absolutely all the countless trillions would tell you not to come to where they are. 

Sitting on the fence between coming to Christ for salvation and not, you need to realize that Satan owns the fence. 

He would rather you end up in Hell than ever see the light of Heaven. 

Think on this my Dear Reader. Think on it seriously. Your future depends on it. Your choice is before you. There's consequences attached to it.  A life in Christ now ensures a future in Heaven with Jesus. A life without Jesus in it guarantees a future in Hell paying for your sins. 

My prayer is that all who read this might come to Christ that haven't yet.  My hope is that at least one person might avoid the future in Hell.  My hope is that it happens before Jesus returns. Once He does, it will be incredibly more difficult to live as a Christian in this world. Christians who become them after the Rapture of the Church will be considered enemies of the state. A death sentence will be imposed on all who do not worship the man who becomes the new World Leader. Beheadings will be the punishment for coming to Christ for salvation. 

My Dear Reader I implore you to really consider your future. Now.

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