Friday, January 21, 2022

Who We are Meant to Be

Who We are Meant to Be 

In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him. COLOSSIANS 2:9–10 

Insight into who you are and why you are here is available only from the Creator, because you were created for Him. The missing piece in your life is not more education or better therapy. The missing piece in your life, if you don’t know Christ, is to put Him at the center where He belongs. God created you uniquely for Himself. He put a vacuum within you that cannot be filled with anything else but Him. When you stuff in all the pleasure and all the madness of this age trying to find meaning in life, you will never discover it. But something happens when you say a simple prayer, giving in to God and receiving Him into your life. Then Jesus comes to live within you. God loves you, He knows you, He has a plan for your life. He wants you to know who you are and why you are here, and if you will put your trust in Him, He will give you that perspective in your life. You were created in God’s image, so you are really only yourself in relationship to God. When you let God take control of your life through His Son, life begins to have some meaning. - Dr. David Jeremiah Morning and Evening 

Of all the dreams that I had growing up, few have come true in my time here on this world. 

The strangest thing is in reaching for something in life only to find that it's an empty pursuit. 

I have indeed tried to fill my life with things that satisfy me.  Things that in some way brought me joy. The problem is that isn't what I am to be in Christ.  

Now that may sound strange but seeking my will isn't seeking God's. That's a simple but plain truth. 

I wonder about my hobbies and interests a lot. We moved here a month ago and I have yet to set up anything in my Den to do anything that was of interest to me 4 months ago. My hobbies and interests can easily collide with God’s plan for me just as much as my dreams. 

There's been plenty of times when I found satisfaction in what I was doing in my hobbies and seeking to fulfill my dreams.  The problem comes in that it hasn't lasted.  The only thing in life that lasts is what we do for the Kingdom of God. 

I haven't ever been a sports fanatic.  Liked certain teams for non-sports related reasons.  At some points in my life I had been pushed one way and went the opposite out of stubbornness.  

It only was a few years ago that I read of what the head of the NFL had said about Sundays, the Church and themselves.  That Sunday's used to belong to the Church but now it is theirs. 

Honestly if what you consume your time with pushes God out of the picture, it's really time to reevaluate its importance. A job is one thing, but after that it's a struggle to balance and know where your time is going.  

I guess the real feeling that comes to mind is grieved.  I am indeed grieved that so many Christians know more about a sport than they do Jesus. Proving what the Bible says. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also. I grieve over people who are divided in their devotion to Jesus and don't see it as such.  They claim to be Christians yet spend ungodly amounts of time watching games either in person or on television but struggle with or just don't give God the time of day to grow in Christ. 

With a clean slate in front of me still a month after moving its a very real issue with me.  I was talking to a co-worker weeks ago and he certainly understood my dilemma.  I am so immersed in electronics now as a job, I really am getting turned against the idea of it at home because it now feels like I am bringing my job home.

There's other things that I have as hobbies that won't be like that. So there's other things that are possible.  I just need to figure out what that will look like. 

I also am concerned that my time ought to be spent differently.  I will certainly confess that I can improve in this area of my life.  

I know that work has to be done, but know as well that rest must be a part of life as well or burnout happens.  Being careful of that time of rest is the hardest part. Idle minds are the Devil's playground as the saying goes. Add to it a sin nature that takes advantage of stray thoughts.  As another saying goes a small stone at the beginning of a mighty river can change its course.  The smallest of things can seem innocent yet will alter your life for years to come if you aren't careful. I innocently enough jumped ahead of God and it's been well over 25 years getting back around. 

It's been a blessing and a curse that I don't remember much of my life.  Many of the more impactful things linger but most I struggle to recall.  It's another reason for me to write a journal.  Weirdest part is reading what I obviously wrote but not remembering why I wrote it. 

I keep remembering parts of the Bible though.  Like I am not my own that I was bought with a price,  the blood of Christ.  I am not blessed as well with the ability to memorize Scripture as many can.  So I prayed about it and God told me that I can Google it.  He knows my heart. 

Where you spend your time will speak volumes as to where your heart is.  

What excuses you use to keep from doing what you know in your heart of hearts you are being lead to do will come back to bite you.  Excuses are only good at this moment. They won't be good when it's Jesus asking face-to-face.  Why didn’t you do what I prompted you to do?
Why did you not spend your time with Me?  Why didn't you go where I was leading you to go?

Our lives were meant to be spent worshipping Jesus and becoming like Him.
Our lives have a plan in Christ Jesus that is meant to make us more like Christ. 
Our lives are meant to reflect Jesus into this dark world to draw whomever will come to the Cross of Christ to be saved.  
Our lives are meant to be growing in respect to our salvation. 

Those are just a few that you can see for yourself in the four Gospel accounts that were the lives of the Disciples. 

We are meant for something more in life but we need to be focused on God's work and plan. 

Spending life on ourselves isn't going to do much in growing in Christ.  
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. 
Set our minds on things above not on the things of this world. 
Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your hearts to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father; and subject yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ.

And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.

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