Was reading in Ezekiel yet again this morning. We know of the prayers of Jesus concerning those who have believed for their sanctification. Read Ezekiel and find what I have found in its words concerning that very subject.
Israel rejected the Lord’s instruction in being taught to be sanctified.
Israel brought about God's wrath in His righteous judgment concerning them because of spurning the Law of God.
In this Church age we live under grace and mercy granted by God through the work of the Spirit of God in the name of Christ Jesus, but has the professing Church done the same thing as Israel? Abusing that grace and mercy to live their lives their own ways as well?
Take note of that statement and now read the Bible from Acts to Revelation.
Take note of what was written, as the Bible says-for our instruction-and see if you are spurning God's sanctification in your life.
I have repeatedly stated that I am not the writer of this blog. As I am lead to write, that's what is written. I have struggled for over 40 years in wanting to be a writer. To hold a book that was published in print with my name on it. So what you read here is for your consideration. Maybe for your instruction.
We are moving to a new city because we want to claim God's promise of sanctification in 1 Thessalonians 4:3a. I have found that prayer of Jesus to our Father in Heaven to sanctify us in His truth for His Word is truth. I will tell you it's going to be worth it but the getting to that place of being moved is painful. We only think we are moving ourselves and our stuff to a new place. Leaving behind countless donations to thrift stores and things in the house we either cannot physically move or that we are giving the new owners. But as I read my Bible this morning and reflect on the reading that I have done recently I am thinking there's more going on than I can see. God's doing more in my Wife and I besides downsizing the house.
We have been drawn near to God through this move in our prayer life. We are having to learn Spiritual lessons in this season of change. It's painful, but it must be noted, it is of God.
We are not only leaving behind physical things, but useless thoughts and mindsets.
We are having our walk with God intensified.
We are having our prayer life intensified.
We are being drawn closer to God.
Most don't think about God's Will in a move other than if they should due to a job or due to family. It's a significantly hard truth that Jesus said that if we love even family more than Him we aren't worthy of Him. If we are to truly consider God's Will in our lives, we need to honestly toss our preconceived ideas of what 'right' looks like in our lives because it probably isn't what 'right' looks like in God's eyes. His ways are higher than ours, His thoughts are higher than ours. He sees all, knows all.
Matthew 10:37-39 NASB "“The one who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and the one who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And the one who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. The one who has found his life will lose it, and the one who has lost his life on My account will find it."
Isaiah 55:8-9 NASB "“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts."Look at what was said of the Bible. Romans 15:4 NASB "For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."
We are in a world desperate for signs of hope, yet it looks to vain things, thinking and philosophy to find it!
God the Father has set a day for His Son Jesus Christ to return. The sanctification of those called to be Children of God is what Ephesians 2:10 NASB "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." means!
Throughout human history it's always been before mankind to either follow Christ Jesus or turn away from Him. To those who turn to Him He WILL bring about God’s Will, our sanctification. To those who reject Salvation in Christ Jesus, they will receive the judgment of God for they will never see His sanctification. They will never know what its like to be His workmanship.
Think about what is important to you. I know that for me personally, God’s challenging me in this area. I have been through much in the days since just before my birthday this year. We have had to make what can be considered brutal decisions with physical stuff in keeping or tossing, or donating. As said, God’s not done, nor is satisfied with just that when it comes to sanctification. Spiritual Surgeries are the norm when the Spirit is involved in sanctification.
Are you afraid to draw near to God because of them? Honestly, get over that right now. As you might have realized when you came to Christ, He loved you too much to leave you that way in which you were found. His workmanship began in you, BUT, you must also choose to draw near to God if your ever going to see the blessings of it clearly. A child can either see the instruction of parents as beneficial or harsh but in all cases they WILL receive that instruction.
Do your thoughts, your desires, your idle moments show a heart that draws near to God?
Do your possessions, your money, your priorities show your love for God or do they reflect your social position and acceptance by mankind?
If you were put on a scale that measured how close you walk with Jesus or not, where would that needle point?
Does your spare time get used by God or is it filled by you for you?
Do you put your family and friends above what God's Will is for you, your sanctification?
Do you put your desires of things in this world above your sanctification?
It's a big deal. Jesus implicitly said as much when He prayed it.
John 17:17-20 NASB "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. Just as You sent Me into the world, I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, so that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. I am not asking on behalf of these alone, but also for those who believe in Me through their word".
Israel wouldn't separate themselves from the world and it brought about the wrath of God.
We indeed live in the time of grace and mercy, but we still can put up the same barrier between us and God by intentionally not drawing near to God.
In all areas of our lives, Jesus is working. We have no right to tell Him what is staying and what is going.
We are to obey. We are to trust His workmanship in our lives.
If you are not learning sanctification where you go to Church, either approach the leadership about it or go where you will find learning on it. Just do not waste what little time you have in this life not working towards it.
You will need to decide if you are drawn to Jesus or not.
You need to realize that Jesus stands at the ready to take back all who turn and repent.
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