Thursday, September 16, 2021

He weighs Your Heart...He Knows the Truth About You

He Weighs Your Heart, He Knows the Truth About You 

You, Lord, know the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. You will show who is Yours and who is holy. You, Father God, who see in secret will reward me openly. Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear. Lord, all my desire is before You; and my sighing is not hidden from You. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You knew my path. Lord God, You who search my heart know what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for me according to Your will. Your solid foundation stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” Thank You that You know those of us who are Yours. I’m glad that You know my heart yet love me anyway. May I depart from iniquity and lead a life that honors and glorifies You. 

PROVERBS 21:2; PSALM 1:6; NUMBERS 16:5; MATTHEW 6:4; PSALM 139:23–24; 1 JOHN 4:18; PSALM 38:9; PSALM 142:3; ROMANS 8:27; 2 TIMOTHY 2:19 - Dr. David Jeremiah Life-Changing Moments with God 

My Dear Reader, are you aware, truly aware, of the folly of thinking your thoughts, dreams, desires, are yours alone?  That what has been on and through your mind has always been laid bare before Jesus Christ?  

Yes, every single thought, by every single person who has ever lived, has been seen by Jesus Christ. 

Go a little deeper. Every intention of your heart, soul and mind as well.  

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart. Proverbs 21:2

You might never stop to consider that there is One who knows you better than you do. 

It matters not if you are saved or not saved. He is the Creator God who knows every single one of your atoms that makes up you body from every other atom. He knows your possibilities before you know your problems. 

He is never asleep nor ever has a need to slumber.  

He always has time to listen to the hearts that cry out to Him. 

Growing up, many a teacher often said "Would you be doing that if your Mother was here?".

But one is always here, wherever you are, who knows all there is to know about you. 

He knows your sins, your sinful thoughts, sinful practices. He knows mine as well. 

How will you mount a defense against His questions to you, in either the day of Accountability or the day of Judgment in which you will stand? The Believer, saved by faith, will give an account of their lives, the deeds done in the body. The Unbeliever will have a day of Judgment. Where they will be found guilty of the sin in their lives. Of rejecting salvation in Christ Jesus. Of those two blotting their names from the Lamb's book of Life. 

The Unbeliever has much to fear in the paying for their own sin.  It matters not if there is a stubborn refusal to come to Christ by saying in this life that you don’t believe. Once you die and its too late, you will realize all too late, that you missed the chance at life in Christ. You will have no second chance, you will realize that Hell is real, that Christ Jesus is real, and that you will never want anyone else you know to make the same mistake as you in saying no to salvation in Christ Jesus.  You will know the pain of Hell and you will know that everything God ever showed you in your life was to point you towards salvation. Your own thoughts will betray you. 

Jesus told plainly, it was no parable, of the conditions present in Hell. He told plainly of what those who are there say about the place. 

Jesus knows your every thought and intention. He knows what drives you, knows what you do and do not put above Him. He knows your every secret. Everything you only thought you kept to yourself. He knows your heart. 

He knows of every single thought that has lead you to think what you do in life. 

He has also brought people into your life to guide,  to turn, your thinking towards a closer walk, a more intimate relationship with Jesus. He knows your worries, your hidden anxieties. Those things you hope nobody else ever finds out about. 

But you know something else? In Christ Jesus is the forgiveness of sins. In the lives of believers, to those who have placed their faith and trust in Christ Jesus alone for salvation, they have the forgiveness of sins available. When a believer confesses their sins to Jesus, not to some earthly Priest, He casts them as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more.  He chooses to forget because they are forgiven.  There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus as it is written in the book of Romans.  A believer will never stand condemned. 

This is no license to sin. Scripture also says to be Holy as He is Holy. The goal in life is to not live in sin. Not in sinful thoughts or actions.  

Scripture doesn't leave us wondering how. Set your minds on things above and not on the things of this world.  To fill your mind with beneficial things. Things that grow you in Christ Jesus. Songs, hymns and spiritual songs. Going on the offensive in the battlefield of your mind. 

Look at your life. Is there evidence to show your concern that you are living a God honoring life?  To those who have not placed your faith and trust in Christ Jesus alone for salvation, you are fooling yourself thinking you can ever be good enough to save yourself. You can never equal what Jesus did in His life, death and resurrection from the dead. No amount of good deeds will ever equal that in your life. 

Sadly, after Christ Jesus returns, and millions of people vanish, billions of people will flock to what used to be Churches across the world. Crying out for a second chance. Crying out for Him to come back.  

You have a chance at life in the here and now. You have a chance at living life knowing you are secure in your salvation in Christ Jesus.  You must choose for you. Your friends and family cannot choose for you. 

Look at where your thoughts dwell. Are you honoring God with them?  Do you dwell on so much that you don't have time for God?  God knows your every thought. 

Today is your day, this moment is your moment, to get real with Jesus. 

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