For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
and as a root out of dry ground.
Isaiah 53:2
The coming of Jesus was like a tender plant in the midst of a parched ground. Parched ground offers little hope for survival; it is dry and too hardened to allow most plants to penetrate its crust. Yet Jesus was prophesied as a tender plant that would break through the hostile soil and overcome the dry and lifeless environment in order to bring life.
When Jesus was born, His people were hardened to God's Word. There is no written record of God's having spoken to His people for four hundred years. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had studied and memorized the Scriptures, but the words were lifeless to them. So hostile had they become to the truth that when God's Son came to them, they killed Him. Nevertheless, despite the enmity of the people, Jesus brought life to all who believed in Him.
Jesus is capable of bringing life to any person, society, or culture no matter how hardened or hostile they have become to the gospel. Even the most calloused sinner will discover that Jesus knows how to penetrate the heart and bring life where there was only bitterness. The work of Jesus in a person's life may seem fragile at first; but like the mustard seed, it will eventually grow into something strong.
As you pray for someone you care about, don’t be discouraged if this person has not responded to Jesus. Just as a tender plant finds a way to grow in a hard and unreceptive environment, so the love of Jesus has the ability to emerge in a life that seems completely unresponsive.
- Blackaby Experiencing God Day by Day
Pray without ceasing...
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
I like that last part Blackaby says "Just as a tender plant finds a way to grow in a hard and unreceptive environment, so the love of Jesus has the ability to emerge in a life that seems completely unresponsive."
I know of several, and likely am unaware of others who have the appearance of having turned their backs on God. They appear to be living full on in their sin. Even flaunting it. Such people deserve all that more prayer, not less.
I know also of way too many professing Christians who have given up or stopped praying for people they believe are too far gone from God.
To say it succinctly, why would you, who do believe, give up on someone who has the breath of life, when Jesus Himself has not?
Scripture is clear in that hope exists while the person still breathes. I love something that I read recently that fits perfectly with this whole mindset. You will never look into a face that Jesus didn't die for.
When Jesus eventually separates the wheat from the false wheat, I do not believe it will be done with dispassion on His part. The people who are commanded to depart will indeed depart in tears for the most part. Many will depart out of anger but many will depart in tears. It will in all likelihood be with profound sadness to Jesus to command them to go. After all He died for them, and His love is still that great, it is still as strong, yet He must follow through with His righteous judgment.
The most vial of offenders who still breath are still worthy of Salvation.
Read your Bible before you shake your head and disagree with me. It's in there.
We don't get to decide who is worthy and who is not to receive Salvation. The Great Commission says to go unto ALL the world. No where does it say "Whoever's going to listen to you". People will get in your face. People will be people. Their reaction to the Gospel isn't a reflection on you. It's where they stand AT THAT MOMENT before God.
The door to Salvation only closes after they draw their last breath.
It was also in my devotionals this morning from Spurgeon, God will not lose a single person whom He knows will receive Him.
That is or was YOU and ME.
Jesus prays for this world. For those who haven't believed yet.
If we take prayer seriously, praying without ceasing means to not give up, especially based on what our eyes see! Elijah's servant was defeated. He had given up hope based on what he saw. God permitted him to see what was really happening. You do a major disservice to the work of the Holy Spirit by giving up on people that God has not! We do not decide who is worthy of Salvation and who is worthy of death. THAT IS WHAT IS MEANT BY YOU SHOULD NOT JUDGE. It has nothing to do with anything else. We shall know them by their fruits. You have to evaluate before you engage. That's the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs. It's the wisdom of Jesus. Know the stakes before you get involved, because you are SUPPOSED to get involved.
Look at those whom God has put around YOU. They are around YOU for a reason. They are around YOU and not me for a reason. You know their names, where some live, you know aspects of them that others do not. You know who to pray for.
If you aimlessly go through the day, ignoring the urge to pray for coworkers or people who drive by or walk by, then it's not them who is missing it, it's YOU.
If you don't know it, Scripture says to pray for our leaders. Are you? Or are you too busy tearing them down? Are you showing a lost world your anger or the hope of Christ?
Prayer is something only WE can control between us and God. We are the ones who can inhibit it. We are the ones who can put up barriers between us and God. Satan strives to help us put up those barriers. He loves to make us ineffective. Go ahead, go to Church on Sunday and cuss like a sailor the rest of the week. Sing praises to God on Sunday and gossip and lie about people the rest of the week. Tell Jesus you love Him then go ahead and turn to take that love n apply it to your idols. YOU put up the barrier because you won't let go of your sin...and Satan loves it! You wonder why your prayers don't work, it's got a lot to do with how you live as much as it is what you ask for. God does answer with yes, no, not now or wait, I have something better in mind. But an absence of an obedient life stops prayers from being answered first
Just as a tender plant finds a way to grow in a hard and unreceptive environment, so the love of Jesus has the ability to emerge in a life that seems completely unresponsive.
Jesus doesn't give up unless He knows the future of the person shows that nothing will convince them otherwise.
Keep all of these verses in mind. Even in your rough times.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
People cry out to God for Him to show them His Will for them. There it is.
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