Rough road?
It is an often-heard statement, and yet it is refreshment to the weary heart: Jesus was tempted as I am. You have heard the truth many times, but have you really comprehended it? He was tempted by the very same sins into which we fall. Do not try to separate Jesus from our common humanity. You may be going through a dark place, but Jesus went through it before. It is a sharp fight you are waging, but Jesus has stood toe to toe with the same enemy. Let us be of good cheer—Christ has carried the load before us, and the blood-stained footsteps of the King of glory can be seen along the road we now walk. But there is something even sweeter about Jesus—He was tempted, but He never sinned. So, my soul, it is not necessary for you to sin! Jesus was a man, and if one man could endure these temptations and not sin, then in His power, the members of His body can stop sinning. Some less mature Christians think that being tempted is sin, but they make a mistake; there is no sin in being tempted, only in yielding to temptation. And here is comfort for the sorely tempted. There is still more to encourage us if we consider that the Lord Jesus, though He was tempted, also gloriously triumphed—and as He overcame, His followers surely will also, for Jesus is the representative for His people. When the Head has triumphed, the members share in the victory. Fear is unnecessary, for Christ is with us, armed for our defense. Our place of safety is the embrace of the Savior. Perhaps we are tempted right now, simply to drive us closer to Him. Blessed is any wind that blows us into the port of our Savior’s love! They are positive wounds that make us seek the beloved Physician. Oh, you tempted believers, come to your tempted Savior—He understands your weaknesses, and He will aid every tried and tempted child. - C H. Spurgeon Morning and Evening
Road work Ahead the signs read.
Rough Road says another.
No Edge Lines still another.
Signs used in road construction or reconstruction yet fully applicable in our Spiritual life.
One of Satan's schemes is to make sure you believe that nobody will understand what it is you are going through.
To make you believe that you are alone.
That after you came to Christ that you went down the wrong road.
Look closer, as Spurgeon tells us, at where our feet are going. There are footprints already there. Someone has been this way before. That someone is Jesus.
I fail Jesus every morning. Every afternoon. Every evening. Until I am taken home to be with Jesus either by death or the Rapture, it's going to be that way.
But as a Toby Mac song goes...we need to get back up again...and move.
The road of life is going to have signs on all sides, trying to flag us down and get us to stop or pull off at the next exit.
Trying to occupy our thoughts, trying to convince us of what is real or true.
The only truth is in Christ Jesus. He is the one to tell us to run the race set before us. The race course has a path for runners to be on. It has people on the sidelines either cheering us on or being a discouragement to slow us down.
The goal of Satan on believers is to sway them away from the truth of God. To make them doubt the power of God. To believe in lies about marriage, sexuality and family. To accept lies about unborn children. There is no true way that a true believer in Jesus Christ can be a liberal. Jesus was and is specific about what God says is right and wrong. People calling themselves liberals and Christians are giving God a bad name.
We are told what kind of manor Christian people ought to be in Ephesians 6 in our preparation for being in this world.
It's a rough road for any whom begin to understand right and wrong. Because then you become a target of Satan and his minions. You start to deal with the effects of a sin nature. You begin to be tempted to compromise on the truth of God in Scripture. Look at the written word of the temptations of Jesus. "Did God really say..."
You are responsible for listening or not listening to the truth of God. That's the part of giving an account of your life that is coming to all. You. No lawyers to defend you if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ. In Christ believers are forgiven, but still have their deeds looked at.
Today the roaf is just as rough as yesterday. Maybe more so.
Today you must choose how to navigate it.
Today, if you are not in Christ...consider well your reasons...but realize defending yourself you have a fool for a client. There is no Salvation in anyone else by whom we must be saved but Jesus.
Today if you are in Christ and struggle...realise who went on before you. Jesus.
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