It's always a good feeling when we do something significant and it means something. To leave a mark of an achievement that sticks in history. More times than not it can be a bad thing that is what history remembers. But there are times when it's the good things.
Like who doesn't know the phrase "5 minutes of fame"?
The point I think that is seen in Moses's life here is to see that he realized he had a part in something bigger than himself. Yes Scripture shows it was a huge part, but a part only. I can remember my own flawed thinking of the beginning of my walk with God that I would have some grand footprint to make in the faith. Thought that I had God's plan figured out.
I was only sort of right and certainly at the wrong time and certainly not right about the location.
God's ways are higher than ours for an endless list of reasons. We only think we scratch the surface when we begin to utter reasoning concerning it.
God has done far more now in my life than at first, when I had thought I had it figured out, than I could possibly imagine.
The key is to get me out of the driver's seat. This is God's work being accomplished. He is the one directing things. He is the one with the final blueprints. Not me. I have a job to do and if I don't then He has to deal with me plus find another to accomplish it. We fail God when we don't do what we were called to do.
Think about your life today. Is there something that you aren't doing that God has said to do? Are you spending more time with the world than Jesus? How will you ever come to realize the potential within you that God sees if you aren't obeying?
I know that I haven't arrived. I know there's still things that He has for me to do. It's up to me to submit and obey with a right heart. Same goes for you. This work is about saving lives, not about what we can get out of life. Jesus said why He came. He passed that mission on to the Apostles. Who taught that to the Church. It's the same mission today. It's not about rest and relaxation. It's not about anything but obedience to God and His Plan and purpose for us.
Consider today. Look in that mirror again and ask yourself, are you really living for Jesus or your own ambitions?
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