Sunday, September 15, 2019

I...KNOW...says the Lord

Remember this passage in Hebrews.
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Chapter 4, verse 12.

Now remember that.  Now think on it as you hear this in your heart and that is where Jesus is.

"I know your thoughts. I know your intentions.  I know the why behind everything you do. In you, there is nothing hidden from Me.  I....know." Says the Lord.

This came to me in the middle of the night.  I had been reading a devotional about King David.  Of his descriptions of himself when he hadn't confessed his sins before the Lord.  Of his body wasting away.  Because every day the truth hit him.  He couldn't escape the truth.  Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Not A truth.  THE Truth.  He reveals truth. Exposes it even.  It happened a lot in the Gospels.  But He still does it today.  With us. 

I had read something on Twitter that was sent to a Pastor.  Of this person who sent a letter to a hypothetical Pastor.  Talking about the late night game they went to where it rained.  Was cold.  They lost and it was fantastic!  Several hours spent that night!  But that they wouldn't be in church that Sunday because there was a 10% chance of rain.

Thoughts and intentions.

My mind goes back to that conversation from Jesus. 

"I know your thoughts. I know your intentions.  I know the why behind everything you do. In you, there is nothing hidden from Me.  I....know." Says the Lord.

We all come up with something.  We watch TV and movies.  Netflix.  Other things such as game after game of sports of various kinds.  Hours spent because we like them we say.  I am not exempt, even though I don't watch those things, I do watch instructional videos.  I listen to audio books. 

Then that thought hit me as I awoke moments ago before writing this.

"I know your thoughts. I know your intentions.  I know the why behind everything you do. In you, there is nothing hidden from Me.  I....know." Says the Lord.

Jesus is right there in the believer.  There's nothing hidden.  There are no layers of excuses to go through.  He was there when you had your thoughts.  He knows why you thought and what brought about the thoughts you have.

Thing is, it's the same for the unbeliever too.  Which is why at the Judgement Seat at the Final Judgment in Revelation, everyone is without exception or excuse.

He knows the beginning from the end.  He knows every possible, potential, outcome of every single event of every single person in human history because He is God!  He doesn't exist in time because He created it!  He steps down into time because that's where we are.

He is THE Truth because He views everything from a perspective of perfection.  Compares everything because He knows everything.

He knows YOUR whys.

He knows the truth behind your sin.

He knows.

"I know your thoughts. I know your intentions.  I know the why behind everything you do. In you, there is nothing hidden from Me.  I....know." Says the Lord.

King David realized it and wrote about its effects on him when he wouldn't acknowledge the truth of sin.

We are no different!  I am no different!

When our lives are burned away in the fire of Jesus's discernment...only the truth will remain. 

It was a very humbling thought that was...

"I know your thoughts. I know your intentions.  I know the why behind everything you do. In you, there is nothing hidden from Me.  I....know." Says the Lord.

Are there excuses you give for not doing what you know is right in God's eyes?

Are there excuses you give for not obeying God?

Are there excuses you give for not being with Jesus for a talk?

What are your excuses?  The truth this time.  And if you are honest with yourself you will find the same end result as King David.

I know these thoughts hit me today.

What about you? 

Consider what John wrote in Revelation from Jesus himself.  The letters to the Church's.

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot.

I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

I know where you dwell

I know your tribulation

But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

I know your deeds

Those are from those letters.  Until this moment I hadn't connected all of these parts.

"I know your thoughts. I know your intentions.  I know the why behind everything you do. In you, there is nothing hidden from Me.  I....know." Says the Lord.

Think.  I  know that I need to.

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