To this day, I am in awe of the morning.
I have no preconceptions on what to write. There is no plan. There may be elements of past conversations with people I talk to, but nothing is written with the intent to specifically address anyone's problems.
Today's really comes out of a single line from Our Daily Bread. It mentions that Gof gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.
Many years ago there was a evening series on prayer that I participated in. In it and through it, Jesus performed some major surgeries in my heart and life. I still don't remember what all poured out of me at the altar but it was a mini-flood. Several times we met found me up there on my knees.
I have learned, and continue to do so, that a prayer request can be one thing on our part but have many levels of answers from God.
We can pray for so-and-so, but Jesus takes that opportunity to not only change or deal with them, but some area in me.
I have seen a post or two of people referring to letting go of negative people in your life because they are dragging you down. In some respects I get it. In others, it's not necessarily Biblical. You can't toss a life preserver to someone until you are close enough to do so. It doesn't mean you jump headlong into their world, thus harming yourself. But does mean to let the light within you of Christ shine to show them the way.
We can pray and should be praying not just at meals or that and maybe the beginning and end of the day, but all throughout the day. I believe that the Psalmist refers to it as just like breathing.
The more time you spend with Jesus the more your priorities will change. Your job may change. Where you live may change.
What you do as a hobby may change.
This world isn't something for us to grab onto. It's dying. Our memories of places won't help us grow in Christ as much as our time with Christ.
I look back on the last several years and see changes in me. My priorities, my ability to interact with people. I am amazed at what Jesus is doing. How some things used to scare me to do, I now just do. My prayers for growth in Jesus had one thing in mind, and Jesus's reply tells me that oh I wasn't thinking big enough.
We may see areas of our lives that need change, Jesus sees the whole picture.
We look at our Google Maps. It shows us the one spot we are at right away. We have to take and manipulate the map to see the bigger picture. In our lives, it's the same, we have to ask Jesus to show us more.
I did that a few years ago and it really can be a scary prayer. Wanting to see more yet not knowing fully what that means.
I knew what I was asking, but Jesus began giving me what was necessary.
For over 18 months it's been sort of nerve wracking to deal with monthly vehicle problems. After so many you become numb to them happening. After over 19 years of searching for other things, you can either miss it when the answer comes or keep alert for it to come.
Israel was in the wilderness for at least 80 years due to various issues among the people. It doesn't tell us how long the Prodigal Son was away. Just says every morning and throughout the day, his father was watching the horizon for any sign of his son's return.
Sometimes what we want isn't necessarily what God gives us because we don't know what He is doing. We don't like what we see so we keep on asking for the same thing over and over.
Of course we ought to pray continually. But with the right perspective. Yes praying for the affliction of others is right, but don't neglect to remember their soul.
A healthy body is one thing, Salvation is much more important. A relief to our sorrows is one thing, rejoicing in Heaven is better. We do tend to pray selfishly. Heal this person, save this person from this disease or that. Truth is, God does consider death a healing. It's not what we want but it is what He deemed necessary.
We learn a lot about ourselves from our prayers. So look at what you are praying.
It's ok to pray out of anguish and tears. You very well may never know how to ley out what's going on inside you. I didn't during that series on prayer. But Jesus got it out. You may never understand this side of Heaven why this happened or that happened. Job didn't until 140 years after the events in his life that we read about. Which puts him up there among the oldest who ever lived. If you consider he was in either his 40's or 50's when they happened and that his children were grown and at least of age to be doing what they were.
Trusting in God's replies to prayer is often a mark of faith. We may not know why, but, dear reader, He does.
Amen AMen AMEn AMEN! !!!!