Thursday, May 16, 2019


God wants to do the impossible through your life. All He requires is your obedience.  - Blackaby

There's so much wrapped up in that thought.  So much in those two sentences.

Many remember the old Hymn "Trust and Obey".   In it a line says that to be happy in Jesus we trust and obey.

It won't mean that you won't have speed bumps along the way.  On the contrary.  Reconsider speed bumps.  What do they get you to do?  Slow down.

In our microwave society, slowing down has become a frustration.  Games aren't running fast enough on a game system. Phones are running too slow.  The computer is too slow.  The driver's on the road are going too slow. Hurry up at work. You're on a set timeframe. 

Look at what is accomplished when you slow down.  With a camera, details are captured.  In a movie, a slow motion shot shows details you otherwise didn't see.

How often were the words of Jesus along the lines of "Ok. Enough.  Let's go away over here to rest..."  Rest is as important as trusting.  Rest allows you to digest the details of what you have experienced. Once you have rested you can be more at peace about trusting.  Breathe, just breathe. Our souls get weary.  The world in which we live is relentless.  But so is our God.

The impossible becomes possible by way of obedience and trust.  Believe.  It can look as bleak as all get out, but Jesus still responds with "Why do you worry? Have I gone anywhere?"  He who rebuked the winds and waves long ago can still do so now.

How much time do you spend unplugging?

Contrary to popular opinion you don't need to keep busy doing something all the time.  Sometimes the best place to be is silent with Jesus.  The Holy Spirit within you can handle the conversation.

I have a mind that doesn't seem to know how to slow down.  It honestly a miracle to me how I ever get to sleep.  Ideas constantly come to mind.  Seeking solutions to problems always consuming most of my brainpower.  While trying to get through the day.

Some of my best moments were just sitting with Jesus as He showed me things connecting either in His Word or between His Words and this world.  Or even showing me things about others that I wouldn't never have seen on my own.

Yes this world is going downhill fast.  But I know that Jesus would never abandon me.  I pray for our leaders.  They are going places with laws and policies that are indeed alarming.  But God has a way of doing the impossible in protecting His family. 

We are told to pray for those in authority. Do you?
We are told to pray for our enemies.
Do you?

We face many things in a day.  But God still has stuff for us to do. It may be a mountain in front of us. But God still says to obey.  Go. Either the mountain will be flattened or it will move or you will learn something by going over it.

Everything we face looks impossible until God has worked it out.

Trust and obey.

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